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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!


My garden beds have been invaded with little seedlings I don't recognise. Does anyone have a clue what they are? I hope I have managed to attach the photo


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Sorry, can't help. They do really remind me of something but I can't for the life of me think what. Anyone else?

Look familiar but still too early to say.  If you take a photo when the first true leaves appear that might make them more recognisable.

I've seen these a thousand times and cant remember what they are. As I recall, they *are* weeds but how about pulling out most of them and just leave a few to grow a bit more so you can find out more easily? I don't think it's anything really vicious though - no need to send in the cavalry or not just yet anyway.


Definitely looks extremely familiar and I can't be sure either. I thought sun flower too. But maybe the camera angle is making it look taller than it is?


Thanks to all. I thought that probably we would have to wait to see what develops since seedling leaves all look so similar. If they were sunflowers I would very much like to leave as many as possible, but I have never seen sunflowers seed themselves in this way. I will come back to you with a more mature photo once the true leaves present themselves.

Hi all,

Well the little invading seedlings in my garden have developed a bit more. Any ideas now on what this may be?

Could it be elder?

Thanks Hugh. By following this lead I think I actually have identified the little buggers as "Himalayan Balsam" Impatiens Grandulifera" and from what I can see I had better get rid of all of it quickly! Can be very attractive but totally invasive.


Interesting to see the genus imaptiens in the name. When I looked at the leaves in your photo, I did think buzzy-lizzy, but discounted it due to it's lack of hardiness in our climate.
Good luck getting rid of it.

Blimey James how did so many end up in your garden? Have you brought in some compost or leaf mould from somewhere with the seeds do you think? Or are the seeds airborne? as I've seen these on the banks of rivers and streams but can't think where they would come from near you.

Look what happens when you touch the seed pods - They explode !  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qj44OdExpw8



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