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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I’d like to report back on the You.matter event which was held yesterday at the old Tottenham Town Hall. A number of uniformed youth groups had stalls for encouraging teenagers and adult volunteers to join the various groups. The Groups do not require the volunteers to come with expertise, but instead provide their volunteers with the necessary training.

Here are some things that you might not have known.


St. John Ambulance takes learners as young as 5 and cadets from ages 10 to 17. They have programmes in Walthamstow and in Highgate, but given enough adult volunteers, they could set up nearer to us.

Their public presence which includes fully furnished ambulances (pictured) is well known, but in addition to the courses which they offer to young people, they also offer summer camps and many leisure activities.

You can reach them at 020 7258 7053 or at youth@london.sja.org.uk


The Girls’ Brigade meets at the Tottenham Baptist church, 699 High Road, Tottenham, N17 8AD. Although there is a Christian organisation, they are open to girls of all faiths and of none. They can be reached on 07506 450804 or 01235 510425 and at www.girlsb.org.uk


The Volunteer Police Cadets (pictured) are supported by the Met and offer training which can lead to a level 2 BTEC in Public Services. The training includes the use  of the goggles which you can see on the desk. They give the wearer the sensation of being almost literally “blind drunk” and give his fellow trainees practice in dealing with persons so affected. Fortunately, there’s no picture of them practising on me! They meet in the Bounds Green Scout Park and you can get in touch with them on 020 7161 8473 or on 07747 475493. Their URL is www.met.police.uk/cadets and their email address is cadets@met.police.uk


The Air Cadets have 2 squadrons in Haringey, one in Hornsey (020 8340 5701) and one in Tottenham (07763 746825). They are seeking civilian as well as uniformed volunteers. The age range for cadets is 13 to 18. Their activities include gliding, flying, shooting, and Duke of Edinburgh awards. One important benefit they offer is the chance to get up to 4 GCSEs which is particularly valuable to those who left school without qualifications. Regional staff can be contacted via 07887 780760.


The Army Cadets, under the command of Captain David Cawrey, can be reached locally on 07966 135548. They can also be contacted on 0845 6007799 and at www.armycadets.com and at donnah@reserve-forces-london.mod.uk


Other organisations represented were The Scout Association which is contactable on 0845 3001818 or on www.scouts.org.uk/join , the Sea Cadet Corps which can be reached on 020 7481 7372 and on www.sea-cadets.org or on london-area@ms-sc.org  , Girl Guiding LaSER which can be reached on 0800 1695 901 and www.girlguidinglaser.org.uk and the Boys’ Brigade which can be reached on 01442 288558 and www.london-districtbb.co.uk


I think the event was very successful, and I hope that it will be repeated at a venue nearer to us.


David Schmitz

Liberal Democrat Councillor for Harringay Ward

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