Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

have just started looking at a copy of the above received thru door yesterday(Langham Rd) Many people will be familiar with phone baloney reviews which are only used to justify decisions already made but this one is so blatant it could be compared to the choice of Qatar for the World Cup. There is no selected answer that allows anyone to criticise existing arrangements. Anyone have any ideas of how to counteract this?

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Don't vote Labour next time.

How is this an answer? None of the other parties has a better policy?

You might get councillors who are prepared to listen to you and act in your interests rather than blindly following decisions made by the inner cabal.

You might like to note that none of the three Harringay Labour councillors felt it necessary to attend the recent meeting of the LCSP.

Philip? could you post a scan of the "Review"?  I'd be very reluctant to comment on something I haven't seen.

Although your brief description sounds like other faux "consultations" in keeping with the standard Koberville mushroom approach. (Buckets of expensively packaged ordure emptied over residents kept mainly in the dark.)

Think I'm exaggerating?  Try the Supreme Court.

So how does anyone change policy?  It seems that the current model of decision-making in Haringey is for Boris Johnson to invite the Dear Leader to lunch; where he introduces her to some celebrity or other. Here's what I had in mind: a "renowned", "global" starchitect who's starting a project in Tottenham in a shop where Haringey has bought a lease for him.

"Mr Walkley thanked Mayor of London Boris Johnson for the opening of the practice. He said: “Boris invited Claire to lunch and she met John [McAslan]. She came back and said ‘I’ve met this bloke, I think he’s an architect’.”

So, Philip, do you know a celebrity global Parkitect who agrees with your views?  If so, get them to have a word with Boris and arrange lunch with the Dear Leader.

(Political Declaration on my profile page.)

here is the online link. Q3 'has not helped' option does not appear on the paper questionaire ...


Is that it?

On the paper version surely there some maps?  Some background context or overview?  And are you saying that on the paper version there's no option to express disagreement about the whole scheme?

there is an A3 map of the WG area and surrounding 'consultation zones' There is no proposed anythin really. There is no option to suggest changing conditions or times other that to increase prohibited times and days or remain the same. The eradication of free short term parking in the middle of zones for one hour has not been addressed;  the inner zone application until 10pm to be extended and the threat to remove free Sunday parking are implied. 

One implication is that, as a Wood Green Outer permit holder I would no longer be able to park in Wood Green Inner That would be a bit of a blow.

I think Question 9 is the giveaway about how exactly how pre-planned this 'consultation' is.

Question: "CPZ makes it easier for residents to park closer to home by stopping vehicles without permits from parking in resident spaces"

Possible responses: "Agree" or "Disagree".

Talk about gaming the questions to get the responses you want!

Islington have an excellent and simple feature of cpzs ie that all Islington permit holders may park in other Islington cpzs during daytime....9-5...I also favour the 'part time' CPZ which only operate during a set period ie 12-2. Its the all day commuter parking which is the problem. I would like it if people could park in my street while shopping. Of course this is only feasible in certain areas...

First apologies for not properly searching the Council's website and finding the background PDFs. (I stopped looking at an earlier page which gave an "Overview".)

Having looked at the map and the background PDFs I'm not really any the wiser about what the Council's Parking service  or its Transport staff see as the problem or problems; and the pros and cons of various potential solutions. In other words, what needs fixing? Why? And how?  And what's the evidence on which they base their professional views?

I may have entirely the wrong end of the stick, but I don't see how anyone can form a sensible view without that basic information.  Not as tokenism, but as a means to make better decisions using deliberative democracy. Helena Kennedy again.



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