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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Here's 'behaviour change' with a vengeance!

A woman was fined over £900 last week for dropping a cigarette on the pavement and failing to pay her penalty notice.

Cllr Nilgun Canver, Cabinet Member for Neighbourhoods,said:

"People seem to think it's ok to drop cigarette butts in the street. Well it's not ok. It costs the council a lot of money to sweep up this litter and I hope this fine will make people think twice before throwing a butt away in future."

On Thursday the 5th of August Haringey Council Enforcement Officers spotted Kristina Djemal of 13 Charmwood Road, Enfield, throwing away a cigarette in Wood Green High Road and making no attempt to pick it up.

The officers were in the middle a litter patrol exercise with local police at the time.

Djemal was advised that dropping the cigarette was a littering offence and issued her with a fixed penalty notice of £75.  

Despite reminder letters being sent, the fixed penalty notice was not paid, and the case was referred for prosecution.

Although Djemal failed to turn up at court on December 1st, Tottenham Magistrates found her guilty of littering and she was fined £525.00, with full costs of £382.00. A collection order was also granted, providing for bailiffs to visit the home to collect the money.

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well to make it even simpler, i have respect for other people and dont stand near anyone when i smoke, if its outside my work i go round the back where there isnt anyones face in the way. So you dont think obesity is a health problem because it doesnt affect you? and i never mentioned any kind of socail engineering, that was someone else
then you should also complain to the council that you have to "wade" through litter, do you live in a landfill? not really that bad is it? and what makes where you live any better? we are all in the same borough! i dont walk to Hackney and drop of my rubbish and come back to clean ol Harringey! have you ever complained to the council?

Pat, I have complained more than I care to remember, and I live on the Ladder. And it does feel like I live on a landfill, it's disgusting.

We're not discussing obesity as a health problem here, I used it as an example as you brought up chicken shops and how you thought they would be banned too. Smoking is antisocial on every level, you pollute my air - what right to you have to do that? And when you're done, you throw your litter where I live. Which is where this whole discussion started, with that silly, selfish woman who littered, and got done for it. Haha!

i live on the ladder too and have never had to wade through much, what do you mean your air, its everyones,thats why we have the right,and you didnt answer, do you drive a car? i dont and never have, i cycle everywhere so my puff of smoke aint gonna kill you, the pollution will! you know how people commit suicide in there car with a hosepipe out the exhaust? well your breathing in these lethal fumes everyday and if you do drive, you contribute to that so thanks

Pat, you're very lucky then. Or maybe you're just so used to all the litter that you don't see it? My air is the air that I breathe in. Your air is the one you breathe in. I never claimed all air was my air, that would just be stupid. I just don't see why you have the right to have a nasty habit that's impossible to keep private. When you walk in front of me in the street and puff away, I have to breathe in your smoke. How is that OK? If I decide to drink a bottle of say, Fanta in a public place, and start squirting it around, is that OK? I think not. Now, Fanta won't hurt you physically, where as your smoke will hurt me long term. As for your car argument, yes, I do have a car. So if I am reading this correctly, you think that you not driving a car makes up for you smoking and throwing litter? Are you also saying you never take the bus, use a cab or jet off on a holiday from time to time? You're never guilty of using a machine that gives off pollution? You always cycle? Even if you're off on holiday to say, Spain? If that's the case I take my hat off to you. If not then I suggest you think about who's potentially breathing in your smoke next time you have a fag, and also be a little careful about where and how you dispose of the butt when done. This thread started with a woman who got a hefty fine for littering....by throwing a cigarette butt...

wow Osbawn! thanks for this little snippet..

Obviously there is still a need after all these years of smoking bans in Australia, to still have to advertise about not dropping litter.. or cigarette butts


those naughty aussies  they still do it..



Stephen if you lived in the Borough you might appreciate that litter is a big problem.

This morning it was announced that the well known author Bill Bryson is lending his support to a new campagin called Love where you Live

Lots of people already love where they live, but a few determined to exercise what they see as their (selfish, careless, thoughtless) rights, don't really love the place where we all live, our common home.



@Annette your 2CV pollutes the air too.. are you suggesting we should ban driving cars too?

Or is it a question of 'not acceptable' being what you don't do yourself?


I'm more for freedom to decide how to live one's own life.. and not to be lectured by a 'nanny state'.

@StephenBln - see my post above, that's not what I am saying at all.

I don't get your point about the "nanny state". How is it a nanny state to tell a few messy individuals not to spoil it for the rest of us? Surely that's just teaching selfish idiots a bit of common courtesy? Say, you felt like dropping litter on the floor of your house, would your fellow housemates not tell you to stop doing that and put it in the bin? Would you say they're then controlling how you live, or would you agree they're just pointing out that your behaviour is a tad antisocial, and could you be a little more considerate and think about their needs as well as your own?

No  I agree with you there.. i'm sorry I should have clarified.. I'm just against a smoking ban.. actually, I'm against all bans of this kind..

will h wrote: I fail to see why living somewhere that you are free to drop litter and behave in ways that are offensive to many are seen as positives.

@Will: I never wrote that! But fail to understand why you are all so completely  supine and alllow the Government and Council to continually restrict your freedoms.

I honestly don't believe that banning everything for everyone helps at all.. It just makes the self-righteous feel good about themselves. Educating people is the way to go - not banging ridiculous fines on them.. Make people feel better people if they stop throwing litter.. not make them feel like 'gangsters' (2010 meaning) - which many find attractive.




Germans Programmed..? In good behaviour perhaps.. but that's what you keep saying you want!  We Germans* (yes, I'm one now too)  just order our life better than you do (or can?)

Stephen: I never drop litter. Ever. The reason I do not drop litter is not out of fear of penalty or enforcement (not that that exists in a meaningful way). It's because its wrong.


It would be wonderful if everyone did not drop litter. it would be also be wrong if the only reason people did not drop was out of fear of enforcement.

Educating people is the way to go

Yes, if that were done consistently, it might pay real dividends in 5 or 10 years. Meawhile, tomorrow, next week and next month there can only be enforcement and litter collection.



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