Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Dear All

For the 25th of October 2012 the Microsoft officially announced the release of full version their latest operating system called Windows 8 which was I believe designed and created as an answer for growing tablet market and probably nothing else.

I was trying a few times to persuade myself to learn about this product but in my opinion this system is not ready for laptop and desktop users and this will cost you a lot of frustration and anger if you make this mistake too fast. Remember just tablets not desktops or laptops was the original idea behind this system.

If you are reading this comment and you are happy user of your computer please do not change your operating system for at least whole year. Yes you read this correctly - next 12 months observe the situation and do not hurry up with shopping. History of Microsoft is full of mistakes so do not be involved into this one on your own wish. Even if on your new computer this system can be installed for free in a shop.

I know a few of my clients which were tempted by Windows 8 and they regret their decisions. Take a while and forget about any unbelievable promotions.

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I have used this in Development Edition and in Beta, and I whole heartedly agree with you. It is horrible on anything lacking a touch screen, and even then not great.

From what I've read Marek, "Windows" 8 represents a big gamble by Microsoft: a one-size fits-all OS for two quite different functions.

Tim Cook of Apple* referred to Windows 8 as a kind of fridge-toaster.

Microsoft replied it was more like a toaster-oven.

Even by the MS account, that means you'd get either burnt toast or an under-cooked meal.

See also: disaster

*Apple are showing some signs of the same misconception, but its more an unlovely cross-fertilization (iOS & OS X).

I think how many people would be easily persuaded to go into this direction without even basic knowledge how risky it could be.

It looks like that Windows Vista was not very bad comparing to this future question mark from Microsoft.

Good Luck to those who are willing to mess their computers.

It will be very good business to an every computer shop and services to earn something thanks to all victims of Microsoft advertising. Installation Windows 8 for free and re-installation for real money. 

Let's wait patiently for first opinions and calls

As a Mac user, I'm largely happy continuing to use Leopard on an IBM-chipped (PowerPC) machine. This is software and hardware that, by Apple's standards, is now out-of-date.

Similarly, I note the high proportion of continued use, especially by corporations, of Windows XP. It would be an upheaval for them to "upgrade" and they are often reluctant to do so because of the cost and risk of disruption.

Thanks for the warning. I've been thinking of getting a new machine and they all come with the free upgrade to Win8 in the package. Politely declining is the best answer then.

Please do it politely and do not regret your decision. We will warn as many as possible happy of Windows XP and Seven from this "little question mark" from Microsoft. Windows 8 is going to be good but not yet, not yet



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