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When a pager can blind or kill. Does this change everything?

"With assassination by pagers and electronic devices occurring in Lebanon, the weaponization of things electronic, the world has entered into a sphere of activity where there is no refuge, no safety, no security, and no privacy."

From "Opening Pandora's Electronic Box: Assassination without Representation", Dennis Kucinich, The Kucinich Report, 18 September 2024

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We have an idea of how ill-prepared Boris Johnson and his pals were for Covid. Judging by the string of PR false sreps is there any reason to hope that Starmer & Co might give some attention to Dennis Kucinich's timely warning?. Especially now the entire world can  discover where he'll be sitting for Arsenal home matches.

Well not for terrorists.

Remember this is the network of murderers who deliberately target civilians on a daily basis with their rockets into Israel.

I cheered when I heard. It was brilliantly planned and executed.

They got what they deserved.

I thought you were talking about the IOF for a second

I'm surprised by your confusion. The International Orienteering Federation and the International Osteoporosis Foundation are generally peaceful and as far as I know have no links to terrorism. 

Apologies, Esther, I meant the ISF. Try and work it out.

Ah, the International Softball Federation. Proper naughty boys that lot.

I'm sure you don't mean Lebanon's internal security apparatus as they are synonymous with Hezbollah. 

ISF = Israel slaughter force.

Your answers indicate you are completely unhinged and lack any humanity. I feel sorry for you.

Maybe Esther Cohen hasn't yet thought deeply enough about the likely future world-wide consequences of these so-called: "brilliantly planned and executed" attacks.
Unrestrained acts of war in which civilian death (including children) apparently ceases to matter.

Or maybe she has and thinks it was a good idea to take out a terrorist network before they could strike again and claim yet more Israeli (and Lebanese) lives including those of children.

"Taking out" i.e. murdering children hasn't a successful track record in bringing peace to Israel or neighbouring states, Israel now appears to be one of he most dangerous places for Jews to live.

No, eliminating those who plot, arm and cooperate with each other to kill innocent Israeli families is not murder. It is self defence. 

On a purely rational basis, taking out 3000 terrorists, even with some collateral deaths, is better than letting those terrorists continue their murderous work which would if successful result in the eradication of Israeli and every Jew and Christian in it.

I'm sure anyone who lost familiy or friends in the 9/11 attacks would have preferred the CIA to take out the Al-Qaeda leadership beforehand.

"Taking out", "eliminating", "eradication".

Do tell us Esther, about countries where this strategy has worked successfully?

Or where the strategy has worked without critical damage - physical or psychological on the armies who carried it out?

And do you not have the tiniest doubt?

Maybe Esther you are not in a North London suburb as I am, but in Israel/Palestine? And are one of the troops carrying out these acts?

We have a friend whose late father was trained in armed and unarmed combat to go into French buildings after the D-Day landings to find and kill any German soldiers left behind.

It changed him.

I thought of our friend when I listened recently to a piece by Chris Hedges, "To the Israeli Soldier Who Murdered Aysenur Ezgi Eygi".



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