Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Following a helpful suggestion from Alan Stanton, I wrote to Cllr Canver to ask if she could arrange to share the weekly briefing of local utility works produced for Council cabinet members.

Cllr Canver has kindly undertaken to forward them to us (and other local residents' groups) each week.

The first is attached.


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I've looked at this and it says nothing disruptive planned for Crouch End. So I guess the huge hole in the pavement outside the discount book store by the clock tower does not count. Perhaps because it opnly disrupts pedestrians. The process of creating this hole was carried out exactly according to the prescribed disruptive protocol - dig the hole on the day before a bank holiday long weekend and then bugger off.
Omotn. I did like it though when the water mains work cut off the traffic along broadway. Perhaps we can actually ask for MORE disruption like this.
Is this information not already available in a more useful format via TfL's journey planner?

I don't think it's as useful to us as it would be to the people who drive through us to go other places.



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