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Update on redevelopment at St Ann's Hospital - Inpatient mental health services

Also just received this letter to stakeholders which have encouraging news about the retention of inpatient mental health services at St Ann's Hospital.

Chairman: Michael Fox
Chief Executive: Maria Kane
11 June 2012

Dear Stakeholder,

Re: The New St Ann’s

I wanted to write to you to update you on progress for developing the future of the St Ann’s site in Haringey. We have made significant progress over the last two years by working closely with key stakeholders to develop a high-level vision for the future of the St Ann’s site, which is: To create a modern health campus with a sustainable mix of mental health and other services including the existing Moorfields Eye Hospital, Whittington Health community health services, North Middlesex Hospital and breast screening services and potentially a new renal care centre, with new housing, public open space, green and other community infrastructure.

I want to make it clear that, far from closing down health facilities, we plan to redevelop the site to create modern healthcare facilities. Following the completion of the two recent independent reviews undertaken by Department of Health Gateway Assessment Panel and a National Clinical Advisory Team (NCAT), I can confirm that, at its meeting on 28 May 2012, the Trust Board approved the recommendations of the reviews that an affordable and viable option to retain inpatient facilities at St Ann’s should be developed as part of the wider redevelopment of the site.

We are very keen to ensure that you have ongoing opportunities to input your views as the plans are developed further over the coming months. We have today launched a major public consultation exercise over eight weeks from 11 June to 3 August 2012 to seek the views of patients, carers, staff and the wider public about the redevelopment of the whole site. You are welcome to discuss the plans by attending one or more of the open events during this period. More details are contained in the enclosed public consultation document.

Following this engagement exercise, the Trust will then develop an outline planning application in the autumn. This will be the subject of further public consultation in early 2013 with redevelopment starting by mid 2013.
We look forward to receiving your views on the exciting vision for the New St Ann’s.

With best wishes,

Yours sincerely,

Maria Kane
Chief Executive
Trust Headquarters
St Ann’s Hospital
St Ann’s Road
London N15 3TH

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