Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

It seems like there continues to be as much rough as there is smooth with the new Veolia recycling collections. My food recycler lies a mouldering and is abuzz with flies.

So I called Veolia and they said that the crews are working overtime and they will do their best to catch up over the weekend but there are no guarantees.

Tags for Forum Posts: new recycling bins, rubbish, veolia, veolia missed collections

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I'm just re-awakening this thread because my rubbish is building up to unmanageable proportions. We're supposed to be collected on Fridays, but have had nothing the last two Fridays (and don't expect one tomorrow either). Our recycling was collected last Tuesday, but nothing since.

I've been in touch with Veolia by email. The first response was personalised, asking for my address to request a 'missed collection'', but my response to that email received a standardised reply, thanking me for my email but offering no information. I might try phoning, but as others are reporting long queues and no result, I'm reluctant.

Has anyone's collection returned to normal? Has anyone had a useful response from Veolia? Did anyone go to the area meeting last night? What was the upshot?

Going by the 'front line' Veolia guy I just saw checking inside everyone's bins in each front garden, they are doing an audit of exactly what the crews have emptied today.

This is in the Gardens.

I managed to speak to a person at Veolia today, who said we're due for a recycling collection today, plus general rubbish and recycling tomorrow (our scheduled day). But it's 5pm, so I'm not holding my breath.



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