Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As many of you may know, I was unlawfully arrested for harassment.   I have just agreed compensation for the unlawful arrest of £6,000 with legal cost between £60,000 and £80,000.   A big waste of our money which was avoidable if my complaint against Haringey Police had been properly addressed. As a result of all this, I have been given a criminal record without a crime ever having been committed.

My supposed crime was to object to a planning permission and report dangerous building work to Haringey Council. This distressed a well known "business" family. The family seriously misinformed the police who in turn now refuse to investigate despite what what was in effect a serious attempt to pervert the course of justice to procure an unlawful arrest and to threaten me to deter any further complaints to Haringey Council.  This company was caught employing 12 people without the right to work in the UK.   

Haringey Police led by Commander Olisa are still refusing to explain their decisions about investigating whether an attempt was made to pervert the course of justice - or reasons for not destroying my criminal records I have requested. Olisa continues to hide behind a sheet of paper is his Tottenham hideaway.

More importantly the Met has tried every trick in the book to make resolving the matter. It has described to the court as a habitual criminal using someone else's identity. It has denied ever having issued a harassment warning - but I have a copy.

My next step will be to take further court action requiring the Met to remove the criminal record under section 10 of the Data Protection Act.

I would urge anyone else falsely accused of harassment to do likewise.

As a result of all this, I have no confidence in our local police because of a culture tarnished by jobsworth behaviour and cronyism.

I cordially call on Commander Olisa to explain why he views lies to secure my arrest as a "difference in perspective".

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Well Done. Tip of the Ice Berg.

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On the Data Protection Act. I worked as DPA manager, this led to a 4 day running physical street battle with the Met. Short version, I was coshed over the head, dragged into a business meeting (as were 4 other DPA Managers from other Boroughs). Unfortunately, the next day I went back and coshed PC Ms Michele Black and colleagues with a crow bar. True story.

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