Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

As people on this forum are so engaged and knowledgeable thought I'd just pose these questions as it's not clear from the TA website. 

A friend just asked if you can search by reviewer as she wants to see my stuff but it didn't look like it... I wonder if the only way is to tell them what you've reviewed and your tag.

As I do a lot of reviewing I've accrued a posh sounding label but also lots of badges and 'points' but nowhere does it seem to explain what these equate to. Does anyone know if these points are worth anything?  Would be interested to hear people's views.

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Thanks - and what about the points? I've seen some postings on other forums saying these are worth nothing so why does TA bother with them?

Sharing your reviews - I'm pretty sure you can share your dashboard contributions page (I've just checked with my little used account on a browser where I'm not signed in and it works) - click on the down arrow by your name, top right. On the dropdown list pick 'Contributions'. Then on the right of that page click 'Reviews'.

Points etc - ignore them. On all these types of site the points and badges etc aim to encourage contribution. Every contribution you make supports their business, but they give nothing in return - apart from a sense of community, recognition etc (if that floats your boat).

Thanks for this, Hugh..... I can see this page but wonder if it can be shared. Tried it anyway....

BW, Roslyn

Should be - as I said I was able to share my page with me and see it when I'm not signed in - and on a different browser to entire there's no cache. 

Thanks for this, Hugh....



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