Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I am writing about two cats who live nearby.

I have met the owners a couple of times when wanting to know where the cats came from.

I live in the next street and for a number of years I have been feeding these cats every time their owners go away.

Despite calling round to tell the owners about this, they insist that their neighbour (another cat owner) has fed the cats, when this is not so as they are starving whenever they sit on my window ledge. They are also kept out all the time despite weather conditions.

During the summer break, I left a letter with my information, detailing the fact that I was feeding the cats, in the lobby of no. 70. This was ignored by their owners.

I am now feeding them again as, once again, they are just thrown out of their house when their owners go away.

I am a pensioner on a limited income. If I don't feed them, they go unfed, as I have tried this.

I feel that I should get compensation for the amount of cat food I am buying these animals.

What do you think? Can anyone help?

(Minor edits were made by Site Admin to this post to anonymise the identity of the cats and owners in accordance with our site terms and conditions)

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Are you sure their neighbour isn't feeding them?  did you actually speak to them yourself to find if they have been left food wetc for the cats? 

No I have tried to contact them, but they did not answer the door.   I will give it another try.

Spoke to the neighbour feeding the cats.    Says she does this every other day, when actually they need feeding twice a day.    She assures me that they have enough food and that they have a catflap so can go in and out at leisure.

Feel reassured and will now stop feeding them.

That's good, at least you are assured now.   They will probably come to you for a while expecting more food.  But they will soon learn to go to the neighbours. 

Thanks.  As I wrote, now I now what the situation, I will be more prepared to turn my back on them when they are next left when the owners go away.

I would strongly advise against feeding other people's cats if you do not know for sure they're being neglected. Cats can appear hungry for many different reasons, I know mine does, and I have to limit his food intake to stop him getting obese. He's just one of those cats. Always hungry.
Well cared for cats can also look like they've been neglected, with matted fur and a scrawny frame. My old cat looked like that. She was ill, and was on a special diet. If anyone had fed her other then me, she would have died.

My point is, you never know, and its always best to try and make sure that what you think is a neglected cat or a stray, is not someone else's well cared for pet on a special diet.

That said its brilliant that you care enough to look out for animals that may not get the best treatment at home. If is happens again, call the RSPCA, Celia Hammond Animal Trust, Animal Aid or Cats Protection. They will advise you on what to do next.

Anette, what you write is very true.   I have owned cats myself in the past.   These particular two I have known since they were kittens.   Both myself and two of my neighbours just love their friendliness and even tempers.  So I am very fond of them.   The only reason I bought food for them was that, when their owners are away, they do come and sit on my window and meow continuously.   This behaviour is distinctly different from when their owners are here and the cats just pop in socially and do not get fed.   

However, now I have established just what happens with the owner's neighbours when the owners are away, I will not feed them in the future.    Thanks for your concern.

In my experience cats will do anything for a feed, whether or not they need one. My cat is fed a minimum of once a day (usually twice) by my friend when I go away but he often decides to go on an extended jaunt around the neighborhood to see what he can rake up in the way of food (after he's polished off his own food) and company when I'm not around; I've even had a call asking if I'm missing a cat before when he's decided to take up residence for a day or 2 elsewhere!



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