Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

After a short stay at the North Middlesex Hospital, though impressed with the quality of care, the small ward in the new building, and even the food, I was still delighted to hear I could go home. So I got dressed and packed my bag.

"What about the TTAs?", said the nurse?" Apparently the doctors had forgotten to arrange the vital TTAs - including fresh dressings and medication. "Fine. I'll wait. This is a hospital so that should take, say ten minutes?" About two hours later I was on my way home.

I forgot to ask what the letters TTA stood for. Google didn't help. Anyone know?
A friend suggested "To Take Away". Someone else said that at their workplace everything was now a TLA. (Three-letter- acronym.)

BTW on HOL Injetpack recently told us that s/he worked for an NDPB. A four-letter-acronym I'd never come across before. Have they changed the rules of Scrabble again?

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I don't know what a TTA is, but I fear a discussion may be on the cards on what is an acronym and what is merely an abbreviation...
Your friend was correct.....

"Medication labelled with full patient instructions as its TTA" To take Away....

I sit in meetings at work sometimes and apart from the odd 'the' and 'and' everything is a bloody acronym.....very boring and very lazy!! FFS etc
I'll resist Bethany's wily hint at an acrimonious acronym/abbreviation discussion. But if Alan were being released from a 19th cent Preston hospital the Matron might have been ordering him to joing the local Tee-Totallers' Association. As Alan's a sober gent, Matron's cry of "What about the TTAs?" may have been a recommendation for a spell in the Tottenham Territorial Army.
Took me ages to find out what BTCV means ( see Railway Fields discussion ).



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