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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi, I am trying to trace someone who lived in Etherley Road (at the back of Woodlands Park School) in 1955-1956.

I do not have the number of the house, neither do I have her surname. Her Christian name is Mary.

The only other information is that she worked as a "checker" for Littlewoods Pools, which I believe was in Tottenham. 

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Electoral Registers

If she was old enough to vote in 1955/56 you may be able to trace her via the London Electoral Registers. The British Library has a complete set and Haringey Archive Service may have them too.

Many thanks Angela. Will do as you say and hopefully get a result.

Ta again.

Roy, I may be able to help you as I've got a subscription to the Ancestry website - Mary is fairly common name and not all years of electoral register are available online.

Was she married or single at the time?

Thanks again Angela. Mary was at the time single. That's about all I can give you, other than that she lived near where the road bends at the back of Woodland Park School, if you know what I mean. 

I've found the Etherley Road electoral registers for 1956 and 1957  but unfortunately they are not complete. The missing house numbers are 62-82 and 71-87 which I think is the part of Etherley Road you are referring to (I think you mean the part which joins Black Boy Lane?).

I think your best bet is to contact Haringey Archives. If there's anything else I can help with just let me know.

Good luck!

Thank you for your time and effort Angela, most kind. Will do as you say and hopefully find her.


If the Electoral Registers don't have the answer, then request the Rate books in the Haringey Archives for the relevant years. They will show you who paid the rates for each property in Etherley Road.



Many thanks Katie, Most kind of you to help in my matter. I will try and get into the Rate books you spoke of. Although not a computer wizard, I think I will manage that.

Thanks again 



Hi again Katie, Well looks like it's beaten me trying to find Mary. Have to admit it was a long shot. When you get older it's nice to relate things with people in your youth. I have been lucky in the past (caught up with a guy I was in the army with and a couple of others), so I can't complain.

Just thought I would let you know the currant situation and thank you once more for your help.

Take care.


Roy, don't know if you have managed to progress on your search but I've only just picked up on your thread.

I'm uncertain if you're saying Mary was working in 1955/56 or just lived there at that time but..........

I attended Woodlands Park Juniors 56 - 60,  aged 7-11.   I knew a Mary FOBELL  (think that's how it was spelt) whilst there.

She lived in a corner house immediately behind the school more or less opposite the Girl's Entrance.

I seem to think the house may have originally been a shop ?

I was in love with her but I blew my chance.    She was a real pretty girl.

Any use ??   Good luck with your search.  I would be interested to know outcome.

Hi John, Have just seen your posting about Mary. I'm a bit short on time and will get back to you I promise. Briefly "I think we were both in love with the same girl!" 

As i said, will get back 2u


Hi John,

To give us some guidance in our quest, I have thought of one means of identification of Mary. Did you have any contact with Mary's mother?  If so how would you describe her?. My opinion is she was a bit (maybe more than a bit) of a tyrant. To give an instance- One evening we were kissing next to the school wall, when her mother cam round the corner and shouted abuse at her. There was nothing i could really do. Mary was still upset when I saw her the following evening, but i think I was able to comfort her. I think there are other things we can ask each other to find if we are talking about the same Mary.

  Look forward to your reply. Take care.....Roy



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