Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I've read some bizarre comments on here trying to justify condone explain the behaviour of rioters, looters, arsonists and people assaulting police with bricks, bottles and molotov cocktails. There is no justification for this behaviour. I don't care how relatively disadvantaged someone might be or feel or whether they, for whatever reason, have not made, or not been able to make, the most of the opportunities available to them. It's just plain criminal behaviour.

I think the Met are doing a fantastic job. These are the men and women who are putting their safety and even lives on the line to protect locals, their property and the very fabric which holds society together. What would happen if they weren't there? Questions in the media and other commentators about the lack of clarity around the death of Mr Duggan do not help; they just undermine the police when they're trying to protect the community. Who do you want to turn up at your house when you and your family are covering inside as rioters burn your car and smash your windows?

The Met's job is to police and protect. To a certain extent this includes prevention and community liaison to discourage crime. However, they can't do this on their own. The various Haringey communities need to take some responsibility for their members and come together to say this is not right and that they don't support criminal behaviour. Now if Mr Lammy, Ms Featherstone, Ms Kober etc could work together quickly to organise a march down Tottenham High Rd with leaders and key figures from the various Haringey communities condemning the riots and calling for the restoration of calm (and supporting the Police) they would be showing true leadership which a million press releases or a year of Haringey People could never achieve. If they pull that off, they'd have my vote.





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I haven't seen any posts here condoning either the rioting or the looting.


There are attempts to explain, maybe, but not to justify.


I have two explanations ready - fun, and greed.

No you haven't:

justify condone the behaviour of rioters, looters, arsonists


One of the good things that came out of last nights activities is...  that it has be proven that it isn't now just a Tottenham incident ..

The press, police and some here were quite quick and keen to try and add a Broadwater Farm (oh, it's Tottenham again) connection..


Walking along Kemble Road smashing car windows? Fun?

Setting fire to Carpet Right and burning out the people in the flats above. Greedy for what?

Looting not just big stores but small local businesses? (1) (2)

Tom Jones, you're my hero for today. Well said!

Have you contacted David Lammy and/or councillors with that idea ? I think it would be great.


Very xxxxed off with the violence and looting. Lots of people with problems from the cuts etc - closing of facilities for old people, less support for disabled people, big rise in nursery fees giving huge money problems for people - not smashing the place up.

I agree.

My limited dealings with the police have never been great (just as a witness! rather than a suspect, I add) but I was very glad that they did turn out in force to arena last night and scared away the thugs there. Thank you Met. I hope Jono and Glyn will be able to come online and give us a local update at some point soon.

The young men I watched filling their cars with booty from the arena retail park were driving new looking BMWs and Mercedes. They were not poor.

I don't suppose you took a note of the registrations ?
It would be foolish of Elle to write down here that she had noted registration numbers.

On the BBC news this morning there was a pastor talking about a vigil in Tottenham (not sure when?) to try and restore confidence in the community and rebuilding process.

I hope this might cause a rethink in cuts to police funding, since there clearly are not enough of them when it all kicks off at once. I read somewhere that one of the people favoured by Cameron to take over as Met chief commissioner is the former head of policing in New York, LA and Boston who brought in the highly successful "zero tolerance" approach, making those cities far safer. However he is not in line for the job as apparently it needs to be a Brit. Sounds to me like we could do with a bit of what he has to offer.

But also - let's be thankful Saturday's riot wasn't a big gun battle, which it might well have been in the USA. I'm sure it's because our police by and large don't carry guns that the criminals mostly don't. As far as I know, no-one else apart from Mark Duggan has died, although I don't know if all the burned out buildings have been thoroughly checked yet.

Totally agree with this - you should definitely suggest this to their offices.


Over the years there have been marches and vigils.

If we learn nothing else from the events of the weekend, can we at least have some pause for thought, objectivity and even a little scepticism? And ask hard questions about what works and what doesn't. 

I'm not saying Groundhog Day isn't an entertaining film.

But I've also had messages that it's been cancelled. will try to get an accurate answer.


Could be that police are not wanting the distraction. Loads of places being shut early, we are all being put under curfew. 




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