Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi I keep seeing this cat in my back yard, he appears to be homeless and very hungry.


He has a good temperament and looks like he had a collar on until recently. He tries to use our catflap, so is domestic to some degree.

Obviously the lack of a right eye makes him memorable and he hasn't been snipped.


If he belongs to you or you know who he does belong to, please drop me a line



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hmmmm sounds like he could have been abandoned if he no longer has a collar on.... perhaps try phoning

www.celiahammond.org if he seems hungry. they would collect and rehome him.


would hate him to be out and about and hungry with this bitterly cold weath forecast. poor thing.

Have just taken in 3 cats from the wonderful Celia Hammond people, so can't take this one in too, but please call them asap so they can make sure the little chap is looked after over Christmas.

We already have four cats and I'm fostering a stray tom at the moment. It makes my blood boil that people can't be arsed to neuter their cats and just chuck them out when they're bored with them or when they move. I hope he finds safe shelter somewhere. The animal shelters are full to bursting with abandoned pets.

Thanks for all the replies.


We have been feeding him and I've made him a little shelter out of the weather but he has disappeared again.


When he comes back ill take him to the vets to see if he's chipped and we'll go from there.


We will see him right if he comes back.


thanks again.

lol same thing happended to me i aready have to cats and a pregnant cat came threw the cat flap she was so lovely i wished i could have taken her but with twins and 2 cats i couldent we phoned woodgreen animal shelter and they took her in i hope she finds a loving home

Ah Brin,


I hope he does come back and I'm sure you'll do him proud. He looks a lovely fellow.

just to update anyone who read this previously.

We have apparently slowly but surely adopted this one eyed fool.
He's been tested for any horrible cat diseases(none)de-flead(lots), had his bits removed and his vaccinations given, he now even has an iD chip and a collar.

He is presently upsetting the balance in our previously 2 cat household and goes by the moniker Mike or Mikey.

His full title is Mike Wazowski - think monsters inc.

Without his bits he wanders less, but if you see him looking lost you can get in touch with me here.



Well done Brin, he looks like he's found the perfect home :-)


Awww, what a nice ending!



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