Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

World leaders need to do more to stop the appalling and horrific violence in Gaza. Our Government has done enough dithering and stalling on the subject. Please sign a petition to voice your opinion by visiting this link: https://www.savethechildren.org.uk/ and make your voice heard.

Tags for Forum Posts: gaza, israel, violence

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Thank you Liz for the practical suggestion which I will follow up.

We all know how the Government treat on-line petitions. If you don't, "with contempt " is a useful phrase. If the petition advocates something that is NOT Government policy it will be ignored: if it advocates something that IS Government policy there is no need for a petition.

Lobby your MP - that's how it works.
anything that is going to benefit the palastinians,it has got to help

so many people encouraged by media coverage think its that they are both to blame equally for it all-when infact if anyone knows anything about the details/history there is just absolutely no justice done to the poor palistinians
See this blog from Alison from Israel.
All I wanted to do was bring the plight of innocent civilians to peoples notice and ask them to help in some small way. This seems to have turned into a political discussion about our own government rather than about the innocent civilians being killed by another political conflict in another part of the world.

There also seems to be hint of paranoia in the subject matter being discussed now. Perhaps another discussion about the ins and outs of democracy and whether we actually live in one or whether you think we live in a '1984 - big brother' world would be more suitable under another heading.
And all I wanted to do was clarify what I was asked to sign up to. Sorry if you think I took the thread off-topic.

But didn't your remark about our Government "Dithering and stalling " invite political discussion ?



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