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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Some useful links to help protect your home and identity from burglars

Thanks to everyone who has been so kind and generous with their support and advice regarding my recent burglary on the ladder. 

Here are a few things I've been advised to do and wish to share with you all so you're protected too. If you have anything else you wish to share with everyone do feel free to add it on!

The Met's Harringay Safer Neighbourhoods Team (020 8721 2667) told me that there were only three burglaries reported in our area in as many weeks. Still three too many, but reassuring that it's not an epidemic in our area.

However, do please consider the following to protect your goods and your identity:

www.immobilise.com  Take half an hour during the holidays to note the serial numbers of your TV/PC/mobile and any other electrical items and enter them on this very easy-to-use website. It won't guarantee any protection, but your goods can be tracked down if found (and may implicate the thief!)

www.preyproject.com (thanks Veggie Reggie for this one). Download a piece of free software to your PC/Mac/mobile and if it is stolen you can track where it is and may even see the thief using it on your webcam! Will take you five mins to do. Well worth it.

www.CIFAS.co.uk - if you're a victim of identity theft you should sign up to this not-for-profit independent company. For £14.40 a year CIFAS will monitor your records across 1000s of companies and will alert you if a credit check or anything else using your ID is made. Experian's www.protectmyid.co.uk and www.equifax.co.uk are also worth signing up to for a monthly fee.

For stolen passports you will need to fill in an LS01 form to cancel it but only once you have got a police crime report reference number. You can find the links to this form and a renewal form at the www.direct.gov.ukwebsite.  www.direct.gov.uk/en/TravelAndTransport/Passports/Loststolenordamag...

The Harringay SN team also advised not to hide any valuables in your bedroom. As was in my case it is the first place a burglar looks.

And if you have beautiful original Victorian Sash windows especially on the ground floor, do make sure they have proper key locks and Sash Window stoppers on them.

Don't be scared, and as Nick Ross used to say don't have nightmares ... but please do be vigilant and protected.

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