Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

An interesting intervention today in the Greater London Assembly elections. Barnet CPZ Action have emailed their supporters urging them to vote against Councillor Brian Coleman as Assembly member for Barnet and Camden. This is solely on the basis of Cllr Coleman's CPZ price hikes in Barnet. The group emailed a window poster for supporters to print and display.

Barnet CPZ Action say: "Removing him from the GLA would send a powerful message to his colleagues in Barnet Council and to the Mayor that his policies on parking are beyond the pale."

Of course, this issue is far wider than parking and the GLA elections. Nor is it a party political party issue as such. The ballot-box is the bottom-line for all elected politicians. If there's a significant response to this call, it may concentrate the minds of councillors who until now, have seemed complacent both about using parking charges as a de facto tax; and on many other contentious issues.

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