Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hello everyone, how are you?

I am looking after our lovely local Harringay Market (Every Sunday) in September for Jessica who will be globe trotting. We chatted about opening at 10am instead of 11am (same end time at 3pm)

Me being a mum of a toddler who eats and then naps between 12-3pm - I couldnt help but notice most of the parents and toddlers leaving around the 12.30pm time as well. Is that the same for you? Would you come earlier and enjoy more time at the market?

I would love your feedback about opening at 10am or any other suggestions.

Many thanks


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Yup. I would prefer a 10am start. Perhaps even earlier, especially in there was a stall serving up a quality full english.

It's funny but... is this breakfast or lunch? I prefer to have my coffee before midday... but could I be bothered to get there for a Sunday? Perhaps.

Tumbridge Wells, great idea will look into it.  

Yes please. Then I could buy something nice for Sunday lunch, and still have time to get back and cook it before guests arrive.

Elisabeth, thats fab news!  Yes plenty of time to cook after.

What do the traders think? and the residents around the school?  Some traders come a long way and residents may not appreciate that the noise of setting up is starting an hour earlier.  I have to say we usually make it to the market around midday.  If the market opened earlier maybe it should also close earlier.   4 hours on rainy cold days may be a bit too long for the traders.

Charlotte, yes we've talked to the traders and they like the idea, after all we want our traders to do better and sell more awell, so they welcome it.  Jessica tells me the residents have been very supportive and the traders are respectful of them so they keep the noise down.  As for the times, we'll see how it goes, I know what you mean about our horrible winters.

I think earlier is a great idea! That way you could get to the market early in the morning, buy produce and then go out. I live right next door to the market and rarely go now as the 11am start eats into my day too much. I'd probably want it to open later as well! How about trialling a 9-4 day?

We look forward you popping over at 10am!!  We gonna see how the new opening time goes but im not sure about 4pm close, will have to check with the school.

Everyone thanks for your really important feedback!!! We have some Harvest Festival and Halloween events planned, so lots of good stuff going on!

I have to say from a residents point of view I've never noticed any noise from traders in the mornings. Great news about the early start!

Ahh thanks Lauren, thats wonderful to hear!!  We are planning on starting at 10am from September.  x



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