Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Open days are fast approaching, with a large selection of secondary schools out there now but with an even larger number of pupils appling for places not everybody will be getting there 1st choices.

Even if your not religious come along to St Thomas More school open evening, I guarantee you'll be highly impressed.

The school runs a breakfast club which is open from 7.15 till 8.40 offering free tea, toast and cereal, and a large selection of paid items.
Break time there is on offer a selection of hot filled paninis, soup, fresh fruit and yogurts
Lunch time there is a very large choice of hot homemade healthy meals, salad bar, sandwiches and rolls.

After school there is a number of homework clubs, and activities to partisapte in.
The school has its very own gym, large drama and dance studio.

The staff treat all the pupils as individual and support and encourage them to work as hard as possible and achieve the best. The staff are passionate about the school and the pupils they teach.

If your sport mad then come and join in with one of the many sports on offer, the school is link with Tottenham Hotspur federation.

Open evening is on Oct 9th 6-8.30pm with head teacher talk at 6.45
You will get a tour of the school, meet some of the staff, and get to sample the canteen food.

Also not forgetting St Thomas more are top of Haringay league table for outstanding GCSE results even beating Fortismere and Alexandra Park school and also there are the best improved school in the borough, this is all down to the dedication and hard work of the head Mr Tissot and his dedicated staff and pupils.

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