Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I don't get it.

From the Haringey planning page it seems they put an application to convert a travel agents into a coffee shop and install a new extractor flue in the private yard at the back. The application is refused. So what do they do? Convert the travel agent AND the rear yard into a restaurant complete with seats, tables and (natch) smoking in the rear yard.

Anyone know what is going on here?...

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Hi y'all

I've just popped a heads-up round the WPRA email ring about this.

If the Glenwooders on HOL would like WPRA to send an objection in to back their position, please let me know.

I can't speak for others but I'd appreciate that a lot. I think it would add a lot of strength to our case. Thank you.
I have sent in the following:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing on behalf of Woodlands Park Residents Association.

We have been contacted by several residents of Glenwood Road, N15 regarding the licensing application by:

Sandero Restaurant
434 St Ann's Road, Tottenham, London, N15 3JH


Provision of regulated entertainment: Live Music and Recorded Music
Monday to Sunday 10am to 11pm
Provision of late night refreshment
Monday to Sunday 11pm to 11.30pm
Supply of Alcohol
Monday to Sunday 10am to 11pm
Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday 7am to 11.30pm

While acknowledging that this licensing application has no direct link to
planning matters, we would like to point out that in allowing the planning
appeal Ref: APP/Y5420/A/09/2107975, the Inspector made the following
planning condition:

"No customers shall be on the premises of the use hereby permitted outside the following times:-
0630 - 2300 Mondays to Saturdays;
0700 - 2230 Sundays and bank and other public holidays."

You will see that the proposed licensing hours fall outside the hours
allowed in the plannng appeal.

Reasons for Representation:

Prevention of public nuisance relating to
Provision of regulated entertainment: Live Music and Recorded Music
Monday to Sunday 10am to 11pm
Provision of late night refreshment
Monday to Sunday 11pm to 11.30pm
Opening Hours
Monday to Sunday 7am to 11.30pm

The premises is at the junction of St Ann's Road and Glenwood Road N15.
Glenwood Road in particular is almost exclusively residential. There are
residential properties adjoining and opposite 434 St Ann's Road. The
premises has recently erected outdoor eating areas to both the front and
rear of the property (without planning permission).

It seems to us that both in the early morning and late evening the coming
and going of customers could be the source of unacceptably noisy activity
which may impinge on the peace and quiet that occupiers of nearby
residential properties on St Ann's Road and in Glenwood Road can reasonably expect to enjoy, particularly on Sundays and Bank Holidays but also on weekdays and Saturdays in the early morning.

This nuisance will be exacerbated by the playing of live or recorded music
at the premises (particularly in the new outdoor areas). In this respect we
hold that residents can reasonably expect to enjoy peace and quiet during
daytime hours, especially at weekends.

We note that Haringey acknowledges these issues in its draft licensing

14.2 In particular, late night activities cause much of this nuisance. Late
night cafés, clubs, pubs and restaurants can have a number of adverse
effects on the residents in the vicinity of these premises. Nuisance such as
noise, litter, anti-social behaviour, lights and odour all contribute to the
loss of amenity to the general public.

14.3 Noise nuisance is of particular concern; music, people talking,
ventilation equipment and traffic can all be disturbing especially at night
when ambient noise is low.

On this basis, we wish to object to the granting of these aspects of the

Yours faithfully,

Geoff Amabilino
Woodlands Park Residents Association
1 Terront Road
N15 3AA
Thank you for that Geoff. It's very much appreciated.
I have received the email below from St Ann's Ward Cllr Browne, and have also received a letter inviting WPRA to attend the licensing sub-committee meeting on 7 September.

This licensing application is primarily of concern to Glenwood Road residents. If you would like to meet with Cllr. David Browne, please let me know asap, and I will try to arrange a meeting.

I am unable to attend the Committee meeting on 7 Sept., but will try to find a WPRA rep (preferably from Glenwood Road) to attend on our behalf.



Subject: RE: Licensing Representation - Sandero Restaurant, 434 St Ann's Road N15 3JH

Dear Geoff and Liz,
Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I understand and share your concern. Like Cllr Brabazon I am on the Licensing Committee but as these premises are in our ward, neither of us can sit on the committee deciding the application. So as a Ward councillor I would be happy to meet you, and the residents association, to discuss your concerns.

Best wishes.

Cllr David Browne
Thanks for responding to my alert Geoff.
I wish I had realised that anonymity was possible. I made an objection then asked if it could be anonymous, but it already been passed on to the applicant ( before the end date for representations ).
I have complained to licensing that I wasnt offered the possibility of anonymity, their stance is that if you dont ask they wont mention it. Very helpful thanks a bunch !
It seems now that having had at least one objection the decision will be made by committee at a time and date yet to be decided. Austin mentions that we dont need to attend, but the applicant will most likely be there.

I dont know if the anonymity issue is a big deal, I hope not, especially as my objection is now public record. But I am amazed that the council doesnt mention it, surely there have been issues of intimidation before ?
I completely agree. Anonymity should be the norm; they should at least make it the norm to tell you about it! Obviously the council have to know your details but why do they make them public as standard?

I hope you don't get any problems because of this. I don't think you will, especially if more people write to the council. My own complaint is off today and, if others follow, you will hopefully just be one among a crowd of concerned locals.

Obviously, let us know if you do have any trouble.
To be honest I sent my form in assuming that my details would remain anonymous in order for them to comply with the data protection act. I will be very annoyed if my name and address is made public (or more pertinently revealed to Sanderos owners).
To be clear, at a licensing committee the applicant will certainly be there, usually with advisors who have helped compile the application. I would recommend that at least some residents who have written in with objections/representations should also attend as there is an opportunity to question the applicant and it gives greater weight to the objections if people are there to participate in person. There may not be time for everyone to speak and it is helpful for a group to have a spokesperson to tackle the applicant.
Hi geoff, I would be interested in meeting with you regarding this
Hi All

We also live on Glenwood Road and have been in touch with the planning enforcement officer and putting plenty of pressure on and reporting new structures being erected. They have been served with a a notice to close on Friday 13th Aug according to the extract of the email we received below. And the planning Enforcement Team is currently opposed to the granting of such license.


1. They are clearly in breach of the planning conditions, which include hours of operation, the flue and waste issues. A breach of condition notice to seek cessation of this breach will be served today;

2. The extension to the rear/side of the premises is unauthorised and possible enforcement action on this has not been ruled out. There is the worry that use of alcohol/entertainment at the extension will be detrimental to the amenity of neighbouring properties.

3. New complaints received regarding: further extension to the front of the building has begun. I will be visiting today to assess whether to add this as part of the enforcement notice seeking removal of rear extension.

BUT to be sure that the licence is not issued or the appeal of restospective planning we must all ensure that we continue to make our objections to the council.



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