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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Bit of a rave last night: kept thinking it was going to go off at a normal hour but it never did!
Rang the out of hours noise line at 4.15am to be told that they don't work past 4am.

Then advised to ring the police on 101. I did but they might have better things to do!
Serious professional disco did not go off until 6am.
We are a few houses away. I don't know what it must like for the people next door!

Anybody have any experience of this? I am sure the people in there are tenants.
How do I find out who the landlord is?

A Party Pooper

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I have them for when I go camping and there's damn hippies playing the guitar into the night!

I feel your pain. Not sure what you can really do after the event, I think I would have called noise control before 12am, Have phoned them a few times and they are very very helpful.you did well to last til 4am.

I would think the best thing you can do now is pop round for a chat with them and explain how loud it was and how it effected you. Always best to start off reasonable I think and explain if it happens again you will be forced to call noise control. It might just be a one off - 21st birthday party or something.

Hope this helps

I think you're more likely to get this around the time houses fill up with the new year's students. If it were me, I'd make sure they knew that this type of behaviour can't happen in an area with kids, old people etc. if they don't respond, get straight on to the noise team as soon as the volume gets cranked up. Speak to your neighbours and approach them together if you're nervous about being the only one to stick your head above the parapet.

I think it was more like 7.00 am when the music died!!!!  In fact what annoyed me more was'nt so much the music but in fact their shouts and screams which were in fact louder than the music!!  I can usually tune into music and find sleep but why they needed to holler so very loud is a mystery.  They sounded as if they were speaking portugese or spanish if that helps identify them.  It also sounded just like a party two weekends ago which luckily finished much earlier around 4ish.  I do hope this does not become regular.  

With you on that one!  I have an HMO with at least 10 students living there who are otherwise very quiet but will insist on smoking in groups in the garden in the wee small hours and squealing like tortured pigs.  WHASSAT ALL ABOUT? 

Uuuuurrrrrrgh! This having to smoke outside business is a real bloody hazard. Definitely the downside of the anti-smoking legislation and landlord tenancies. I have this problem every time a new bunch move in either side of me. I sleep in the back room of a ground floor flat so I reckon my head is actually only a few yards from the smoking gaggle. So far I've managed to hatch a deal with all groups concerned that they move to the front of the house after 11.30pm. God knows what you can do if they dont have access to the front garden though or if their neighbours the other side sleep at the front..and especially if they're as much of an interfering busy-body as I am.

Hmm, we have lots of problems of this sort here. My strategy has always been to go and pounce on all new neighbours asap after they've arrived and be excruciatingly and embarrassingly friendly. Really get under the skin. That way they just cant pretend you're not there or dont exist. They know you. You wave and smile and ask after their family. Be immensely nosy and intrusive and NEVER mind your own business. This way you have some leverage and they will have to attend to their consciences. They'll either move or quieten down pretty quick. So far, I've found this works. I do sympathise with the bit about their loud voices - it's usually alcohol lubricated so gets louder as the night wares on. Again, it's usually a case of pulling on your p-js and stalking round there, smiling ideally, if you're awake enough.. That expression, 'killing someone with kindness,' does have meaning. If all else fails then yes, call the organisations named. But there's no substitute for actual human connection. They're probably delightful, just not very thoughtful - or sober.

You're further up luckily Jessica.  It felt as if my garden backed onto theirs but I think they were in fact even further down.

I hope that Claudia has something to do with the film business, because there is a brilliant screen play in what she's written!

Going back into councillor mode, though, I must advise caution in making any direct approach, especially in the middle of the night when the noise is going on. My advice is to involve the noise team, because they will take action without revealing who it was who complained. I would also call them as soon as it is becoming clear that the party is likely to carry on into the small hours. Midnight is as good a time as any.

In case the problem should persist, it is ls also a good idea if everyone affected keeps a diary showing when and for how long the incidents take place and how bad they are. These will be especially helpful to the noise team if enforcement action should prove necessary.

Needless to say, if anyone has problems with the noise team they are welcome, as with any council service, to contact a local a councillor. My phone number is 07854 002742 and my email is david.schmitz@haringey.gov.uk

David Schmitz
Liberal Democrat Councillor for Harringay Ward

;) my other name is Claudia Hyacinth Bucket de la Clare. Your advice is sound and I'm noting your number and email but I really cant stress enough the importance of making contact with your neighbours. 99% of people in this world are nice, very nice and considerate and the do care and they dont want to be a pain. They just need the chance to show you that. This is especially true of young people. The more you ask them for help and invite them into your life, and take an interest in theirs, the more they will wish to please you. Trust me. It works. Oh and my other other name is Claudia Linda de la Snell-Clare. Bon chance!

Midnight? Really?!

i had loads of issues with parties on fairfax that back on to mine on falkland. phoned the noise people at the council...utter waste of time. they couldnt care less, really. so annoying. i might as well have spoken to a carrot.....i simply cannot stress how much the council, and annoying spanish/portugese ravers wind me up...and i love a rave. 



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