Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi all

Thought some may be interested in an area guide I did for ratings site Qype, Highlighting all that's good to see and do in and around Tottenham. I also wrote a commentary on the guide for their blog

It's an open-source guide, so I'd welcome any additions to it (although you'll need to join Qype if you haven't already) if you know of anywhere brilliant I've missed: the guide includes a few venues in Wood Green, Harringay and some other places that I would regularly visit as a resident, so it's not too narrowly defined!

cheers, Abi.

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Well done - but you know what I'm going to say; at the risk of starting yet another version of the same discussion, I'm not sure that the piece is a great respecter of geography. What are Wood Green and Harringay doing in a list entitled "Qype does Tottenham"? Surely there are more good things to include from Tottenham proper, no? This is "Qype Does in and around Tottenham" and should maybe headed as such? 

And, I really don't mean to be critical, but going as far as St Martin's Lane is stretching Tottenham a bit too far for even Julie I suspect?


I thought I'd explained why I included them earlier on - the boundaries are more than a little blurred, and there is no denying that, so I included some venues I hang out in that are still quite local. Maybe they should have asked someone who lives further North to write this guide, but they asked me, and wanted me to make it personal. I couldn't do that if it had been completely limited to Tottenham proper. 

I also think that the standfirst (which I didn't write) makes it clear that it's 'in and around' by name-checking the other places.

Oh Lordy, they have used an image of the wrong Salisbury there, haven't they. I will have words :)

It's a great list; it's just the title that needs to change to reflect the content.

Also Abi, your intro should properly read "Abi's favourite places in Tottenham, Stamford Hill, Harringay and Wood Green". Green Lanes is a street not a neighbourhood.

I think most people won't read the Standfirst. So it's what goes in the title that counts.

But niggling aside, as I said good job. Well done!

Agreed re. Green Lanes. TBH I half wanted to just get around the problem by calling it 'Haringey', but then I'd have had to include a huge amount more than I did.
Any chance of getting it changed?
I'll mention it to Sarah. She's very nice!
PS: Any chance you can get them to correct "Pubs in Haringey" to "Pubs in Harringay"? (Since it is a list of pubs in Harringay).
Yes, I'll mention it!
Yes. Please don't go tarnishing the ladder with the dirty Tottenham brush.

Oh gimme a break Nick. It's got nothing to do with fear of the Totenham hordes and more than my wanting the picture of the St Martin's Lane Salisbury pub replaced with one of the Harringay building has anything to do with a horror of being tarbished with the West End brush.

Here are a heap of other posts about Harringay's idenity

I am already aware of the identity/definition of Harringay Hugh, thank you. I just feel disappointed that there can't be a single identity we are all proud to be a part of, and that you seem to spend a lot of time defining Harringay as separate and different from Haringey. I think it's a shame that your site prefers not to celebrate other parts of the borough, because, if anything, it is those areas which need more community focus and need to build a more positive identity.

I think It would be great if there were sections within this website, including areas like West Green, Seven Sisters, and Bruce Grove, for example. But I understand that you'd like to keep it local to where you live. I just think it's a shame, as there is no similar forum for my neighbourhood in N17, and hoped that this site might be more inclusive and embracing of the London Borough Harringay is in. However, given this, I do appreciate this website is a great community resource and would like to congratulate you on it. 

I wasn't intending to imply that you're not aware of the definition of Harringay NIck; just helping you to understand what motivates me isn't keeping out the hordes.

I agree that sites like this would be good for other areas. However we differ on the desirability of a borough-wide site. Experience from around the country shows that sites like this work best at the neighbourhood level. We've already had two spin-offs from HoL in Haringey - one to the west of us and one to the north. There's no reason why folk in other areas can't start up new neighbourhood sites. You up for it NIck? In the meantime the focus of HoL will remain Harringay, but other areas will also continue to be covered and, as has been the case from 2007, anyone is welcome.

As to why I put energy into defining Harringay, the benefits of supporting a strong neighbourhood identity are well documented. Nothing exclusive about it. 



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