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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

By now most residents in the ward should have had this questionnaire dropped through their letter boxes.


There has been a mandatory scheme in place since 2006 for larger HMOs but many problems are caused by smaller properties not covered by this scheme. Residents concerns prompted the council to set up a working group to try and address things and the result is this scheme.  This should try to address the problems related to properties converted without permission, properties that are poorly managed, properties that attract a disportionate number of complaints regarding noise, rubbish and general nuisance, issues of anti-social behaviour and poor quality and in some case dangerous housing conditions.


In respect of the proposal for the additional licensing scheme for HMOs falling outside the scope of the mandatory scheme, the authority must comply with specific requirements set out in Sections 56 and 57 of the Housing Act 2004. This includes being satisfied that a significant proportion of the HMOs proposed to fall under the additional scheme are being managed sufficiently ineffectively, consultation for the scheme must take place, and the scheme must be consistent with the authority's overall housing strategy.

To adopt this scheme the local authority has to follow a set guidance from the government in order to demonstrate the need from additional licensing within this designated area.  It is essential that they can prove that they need additional powers to control some of the issues that are affecting the area. Therefore it is absolutely vital that as many people respond to the questionnaire as possible.


Once this scheme is up and running I am confidence of its success, greatly improving the area for all of us.


Can I just encourage as many residents as possible to complete and respond.  Alternatively you can respond online at




The consultation period ends on 7th March 2011 and the report will go to Cabinet for approval in April/May 2011




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Whoosh ! What is this......gosh it's Johny Mc......our resident shock jock......urgently leafing through his well-thumbed copy of 'Honour and Tradition in a Cypriot Highland Village' by J.G. Peristiany.

He's confused..... bless, James has only added to his confusion. Over 2,000 posts and he still doesn't get it. What, Cyprus is a country....you're joking aren't you ?....but I thought, I really did think that if I sought to 'cast aspersions' and wrote about 'Greek people working for the Council' that all those "Greek People" would just think , but it's only Johny Mc, he is really funny and clever and we all lurv him, he is what the Aussies call a larrikin, a Harringay treasure....leave him be....we'll take him round some trachana and some afko-lemoni soupa and show him our holiday snaps with Uncle Vasili in Aradhippou village.....but then again perhaps not- he's already a tad confused...no need to confuse him any further......bless ! 

Right back to the kindle. Nuff said. 



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