Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

On this beautiful cloud-free Sunday, I have taken the opportunity to enjoy the open spaces and clean air the borough has to offer. Highgate Wood was magical this morning.

Had I chosen to spend the day in my garden however, I would have been inhaling air thick with the stench of burning fat and charcoal.

My question to the current and prospective Councillors of Harringay and St Ann's wards is:

What are the appropriate laws or byelaws which regulate the level of emissions from businesses along Green Lanes?

Defra suggests that charcoal grills are not "exempt appliances" under the Clean Air Act.

Is the (apparently unfiltered) belching of smoke and fat from the restaurants for 12+ hours a day something that is to be encouraged, overlooked, or acted upon?

Tags for Forum Posts: Act, Air, Clean, Particulates, charcoal, emissions, smoke

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Phil, I don't know the answer off the top of my head but will find out and come back to you as soon as I can.

This http://www.harringayonline.com/forum/topics/fishy-business-from-har... may be relevant, although I seem to remember the ban was rescinded later.

I have had a response to the questions you asked. Happy for feedback and follow up questions.

Dear Cllr Alexandra

Thank you for your enquiry, a summary of which follows

· You would like to know the appropriate laws or byelaws which regulate the level of emissions from businesses.

· You would like clarification as the Defra suggests that charcoal grills are not "exempt appliances" under the Clean Air Act.

· You enquire as to whether smoke from the restaurants can be controlled.

In response to your enquiry:

· There are no byelaws that regulate the level of emissions from businesses. The Clean Air Act 1993 (currently under review by Defra as part of the Governments ‘Red Tape Challenge to de-regulate’) and the Environmental Protection Act 1990 are the principal Acts.

· The Defra website lists exempt appliances and fuels, Charcoal grills are contained in this list.

· Smoke from restaurants can be controlled by use of the above legislation. In many local authorities, including Haringey, Commercial Environmental Health officers, during food safety/standards inspections, ensure that cooking facilities have adequate extractor systems with suitable filters that are regularly maintained. This reduces the risk of smoke and smell nuisance causing a nuisance to the locality.

It would be helpful if residents that are suffering from smoke/smell nuisance contact us so we can take appropriate and proportionate action to ensure compliance with legislation whilst also supporting businesses in the borough. Customer Services can be contacted on 020 8489 1000 or alternatively contact can be made via feedback@haringey.gov.uk.

I hope that you are satisfied with my response to your enquiry. If you have any follow-up queries or need more information, please contact the Feedback and Information Governance Team in the first instance.

Yours sincerely,

Eubert Malcolm
Regulatory Services Manager



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