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Public consultation on draft Development Management Policies in relation to planning applications

I have just received this from Councillor Alan Strickland, Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Social Inclusion.

We have just launched for public consultation draft Development Management Policies. These are the policies which will be used to make decisions on planning applications across the borough. I would like your help – both in hearing your views and bringing the consultation to the attention of residents and community groups in your ward.

The development of these policies has been overseen by the cross-party Planning Policy Advisory Group and I’m grateful to councillors Bloch, Brabazon, Demirci, Hare and McNamara for their ongoing work on this issue.

Focus of the consultation

The overall development plan for the borough is provided in the recently adopted Local Plan (formerly Core Strategy). The Development Management Policies set out more detailed planning policy requirements for new development proposals in Haringey. At this stage it is just a draft for public consultation and views.

The consultation document contains 23 policy approaches/principles which are organised around three steps to determine planning applications. These are

(1) Getting the right development in the right place;

(2) Delivering the best design; and

(3) Enhancing our borough’s infrastructure.

Each policy under the three steps includes a list of consultation questions. We would like to hear your views and your residents’ views on these. Consultation closes on Friday 10th May 2013.

How to engage with the consultation

1. Web

To have your say on the draft Development Management Policies simply go to www.haringey.gov.uk/development-management-dpd where you can comment via an online questionnaire.

2. Meetings with community groups

As part of this consultation, officers from the Planning Policy Team and councillors from the Planning Policy Advisory Group would like to attend meetings of community organisations, conservation area advisory committees and other interested groups to hear directly from residents. Groups can email the Planning Policy team on ldf@haringey.gov.uk to arrange.

3. Drop-in sessions in Haringey libraries

During the consultation staff will be on-hand to answer any questions at a number of dedicated sessions. Please feel free to drop in to:

  • Hornsey Library, Haringey Park, London N8 9JA, Wednesday 10th April, 4pm – 7pm
  • Marcus Garvey Library, Tottenham Green Leisure Centre, 1 Phillip Lane, London N15 4JA, Tuesday 16th April, 4pm – 7pm
  • Wood Green Central Library, 187-197A High Road, Wood Green, London N22 6XD, Wednesday 24th April, 4pm – 7pm

4. Consultation documents available publicly

All documents can also be viewed at our offices 6th Floor, River Park House, 225 High Road, N22 8HQ and the Civic Centre, High Road, Wood Green, N22 8LE and at local libraries.

Call for sites – Sites Allocations Document

In addition to this, we are also carrying out a Call for Sites consultation which will inform a future Site Allocations Document. We are looking for potential development sites or groups of sites where there might be the opportunity for redevelopment or changes of use. Potential uses might include housing, employment, community facilities and open space.

To suggest a site for inclusion in the Site Allocations Documentgo to www.haringey.gov.uk/siteallocations

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Thanks, useful

But the link for site allocations goes to an internal LBH page which the plebs don't have use of. Is there an alternative?  [Later] - found it on LBH site. It's only for these:

At this time, the Council is seeking sites in excess of 0.25 hectares (0.62 acres) and for a range of uses, including (but not limited to):

 Sites able to make a contribution to the boroughs housing stock; Sites able to accommodate jobs and benefit Haringey’s local economy; Sites needed to provide the infrastructure required to accommodate growth in the borough; Sites with the potential to enhance the shopping, recreation, leisure and amenity of the borough and its local areas.

so my own local bugbear derelict factory site is too small sadly I think, I need to look up what is a hectare.



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