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Protest about lap-dancing licence for Crouch End venue

Read this over someone's shoulder today - application for a lap-dancing licence for the Music Palace on Tottenham Lane N8.

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No thanks, I can see you dancing fine from the bar.
for your benefit birdy
i'm not against having the venue. i went out with a 'dancer' for a year.
i don't really hate people.
it takes all the pleasure away from posting when you have to resort to these dry comments. why are you attacking me ?
Ask yourselves this, good people.
Will the clients of a lap-dancing operation treat the staff, the neighbourhood and each other with respect or with something less?
When you walk past on your way home after a night out are you likely to be harassed? You, your daughter, brother, wife, girlfriend, partner, husband ?
Think about the possible effects on the surrounding shops, restaurants, bars. What frame of mind is someone in after a few drinks and a bit of erotic stimulation? Fancy a curry? Have a bit of a book-club type critique of the techniques you've just seen? Where will the punters park? How gently will they go into the night? And what about the guy who pulls up beside the petrol station, who sits there while others come around to the passenger seat to score some charlie," makes the whole experience just amazing", or the steady stream of mini-cabs and taxis, doors opening, doors slamming while the sombre and silent men and women come and go. Are you people deliberately ignoring what is good and right because you feel that this is part of the "real" world, the "grown-up, my choice" world? Dumbing down is often talked about in relation to TV and film; what about in relation to our civic life, our community life? Planning officials are just like the rest of us; stupid, proud and afraid to stand up to bullies, the greedy and the plainly destructive; that's why we make noise, complain, object - but not all of us. Some are disconnected and couldn't care less. "As long as it's not hurting anyone". And just what is your definition of HURT. If I am HURT, if I tell you I'm HURT, are you going to tell me I'm wrong?
"No, my friend" you will tell me, "You are not HURT. I say that you are not HURT. I know better than you and I say that you have no reason to feel HURT.You should not feel the way you say you feel." ( OR Concerned/disgusted/anxious/angry)
As for the birdtoo's championing of the human form and apparent confusion over the word "HURT", not to mention the snide unfunny funny comments, I see the dead end of futile mudslinging is our destination, while the bad guys poison the well.
As for Haringey Council permitting a business of this nature across the road from a school? Haringey and children's welfare? Haringey's ability to doublethink is as breathtaking as giving the Nobel Peace Prize to Henry Kissinger. We cannot presume that the council will do what is best for the people who live in the area. Look around.
This could be a great world, don't you think?
This could be applicable to many establishments not just a club of this nature. Using the over protective card doesn’t stand up in my opinion. To have a pub, array of food outlets, place of worship, garage next to a school could be damaging – yet this is the real world. People have the choice in life.

Everyday in newspapers, glossy magazines, TV and film we are exposed to a variety of things which we may not like or agree with, don’t go, switch off or don’t read. In this ever over protective society we are constantly told what we can and cannot do, let people have the choice.

Every time a child goes into a shop next to the school and is exposed to the variety of FHM style magazines or is at home on the sofa flicking through mummy’s “lifestyle” magazines debating the fashionable diet of the month, they are being exposed to far more dangerous stereotypes, but that is okay?

I have never read or buy glossy “life”| magazines as they, in my opinion perpetuate stereotypes, I don’t want them removed from the CNT’s, it’s my choice not to read this “dross”.

My last word on the matter - promise : )
You joined up just to post that? Well, welcome anyway.

The bloke sitting next to me lives just around the corner from Venus in Farringdon Rd. There is never any trouble there as far as he's aware. From what experience do you paint your picture?
I don't think the argument should be about whether a lap dancing club is acceptable or not in our current society. I have to say I find lap dancing clubs unpleasent, but I think if the women who work there do so happily and are safe and fairly paid I do not oppose them. The argument is about whether it is appropriate to build one in a small residential community, especially with it being so close to a primary school and YMCA community centre.
It seems unfair to many residents of Crouch End, including myself, that what is currently a quiet, largely-safe area of London, filled with families will be affected by men accross North London travelling to Crouch End to watch the Lap Dancers. We are rightfully fearful that a lap dancing club may attract groups that used to party in central London such as stag dos, or that it will cause an increased problem with prostitution with the men leaving the club. We are worried that it will decrease property values in the area at a time when the market is already struggling. We are concerned that it will pave the way for other lap dancing clubs. I am worried about who I'll be sharing the Night Bus home with now, whether it will be groups of drunk men heading to Crouch End to visit the club.
I think that the council have not acted in the best interests of the community and I hope the strength of feeling of the local residents will help to overturn their decision.
Tristran, Tabitha -stop looking at them titties!!
you can get the W5 from Sainsburys..
I can see it all ending in tears. seriously !
You would never get there before the place shut, that's if a bus turned up!

I have said far to much on this subject, but I very much doubt there would be stag dos coming to Crouch End, its not very en vogue for stag or hen dos.

If past ventures at this site are anything to go by, it will fail anyway.
Right Ruth, I knew I had a W5 convert here. BUT I foresee W5-loads of old guys using their Freedom Passes to get to and from CE's Lap Dance Citadel into the wee small hours. Which is why our Harringay charter must support the opening of our own clubs near the Beaconsfield and in the recently vacated Nationwide B.S. and the Colisseum as a service to the friends of the Salisbury.
Good conversation which I think has run its course. Given that its about Crouch End and not Harringay, I'm going to call time on this one. Will reopen it if I'm hit by a storm of email protest (to wannayakaboutlapdancing@harringayonline.com)



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