Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I've received the following email, from a very trustworthy source:

We’re raising £750 to make visors for workers in care homes, hospices and essential services exposed to high risk of the virus in Islington, Hackney, Haringey.

We have come together as Visor Angels Islington to make visors for careworkers in care homes and hospices, bus drivers and other workers exposed to high level risk from the corona virus. We are focusing on those who haven't had access to sufficient personal protective equipment (PPE) in Hackney, Haringey and Islington where we are based. The need is great as government is still failing to supply in large enough quantities or regularly enough. We want to help practically to protect the lives of frontline workers and those they care for and other workers in essential services. We aim to make visors for them of the same quality as for the NHS as soon as we can get going. We have funded a pilot but need your help to expand and meet the ongoing demand.

One visor costs under £1.00 to make and if we can buy in bulk we can make more for the money and get more protection to frontline workers 

so please give what you can....

Please check out out Justgiving page https://www.justgiving.com/crowdfunding/visorangelsislingtonhackney...

and help fund our cottage industry production...

Thanks very much

Tags for Forum Posts: coronavirus, coronavirus giving

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Seen that several Hospital Trusts are now setting up their own Factories

With Staff and Volunteers

With Manufactures of materials and machines donating supplies

Can not believe that NHS Authorities was allowed to compete with each other for supplies

And was All daft enough to buy from Suppliers half way round the World. Resulting in weeks for supplies to arrive by Containers

Especially when it was becoming known it is a World Wide Virus

Did notice that some of the Masks had Gaps in Top . Where Original ones had sponge Bands

Can not believe that they a scrapped after use. Would have thought it was possible to clean them for reuse

All the Best on The Project



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