Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

From the petition;

In the UK some schools turned into academies are failing and when this happens they’re not able to return to local authorities to bring stability - because there is no legal route for them to do so.

When schools fail under academies rife with cronyism, nepotism and financial self-interest -they need to be rebuilt.

Returning failed academies to the local authorities will ensure that the school is accountable to the community. We love our school and want it to prosper even when our kids no longer attend the school.

Please sign the petition to get the law changed

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After all, there are reasons why they were taken away from local authorities in the first place.

Because local authorities have been underfunded by the Tories. You know that Osbawn but, maybe you don't realise by just how much.

Nope you're wrong. Have a look at the Ofsted results in this borough for Primary schools. Look around you. Don't believe the right wing media.

And if an Academy fails Osbawn 'pouring extra money into that mix would be a waste of tax payers money' . Yes, Academies do receive tax payers money. Policy should not be a one way street Osbawn otherwise that smacks of orthodoxy. Policy should show flexibility. Those parents in that petition and their community deserve the option of campaigning for their school to be returned under local council control. At the moment the law doesn't allow that. That's wrong. That's what the petition is about. But you stick to your orthodoxy/mantra on state education. 

Heartlands High School

Opened 2010

Became an academy 2013

First Ofsted inspection 2016

" the local schools which are good and which get good ofstead ratings are not the ones that were turned into academies"

I was responding to your comment.

Yes, obviously. You implied that only failing schools were/are turned into academies but this clearly does not apply to Heartlands as no-one outside the school community would know if it was good, bad or indifferent before the Ofsted Inspection. Perhaps there were  other reasons for converting?

Heartlands High School 

You might find this discussion interesting

The whole discussion and background is of relevance, it's not just about Heartlands or Haringey.

Billy, not sure what your point is. Everyone knows their council tax and income tax is used to fund their children's state schools and I'm sure a good number know 'education' is the largest spend for any borough. Academies are designed to be funded largely by any business interest that thinks they can make money from our children's education. Quite different priorities.

Signed; John McMullan, kate bowgett, and maggy sully.



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