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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Park View judged ‘good’ by OfSTED! Leadership and management judged outstanding!

Park View is celebrating a significant step forward in an excellent OfSTED report. The school was judged to be ‘good’ overall, but leadership and management was rated ‘outstanding’.

Key OfSTED findings

  • Leadership and management are outstanding. The inspired headteacher leads an excellent team and their highly effective work has led to major and sustained improvements since the last inspection.
  • Examination results over the past three years show an upward trend of achievement. Students from different minority ethnic groups achieve well.
  • The overall quality of teaching is typically good and there are some examples of outstanding practice.
  • Students’ attitudes in class are consistently good and often exemplary. There is a positive ethos around the school.
  • Social, moral, spiritual and cultural development is exemplary and enables students to thrive in a supportive, highly cohesive learning community.
  • Students report few instances of bullying. They say when this does occur it is dealt with by the school.
  • A strength of the school is the promotion of literacy skills. This supports good achievement across a range of subjects.
  • Teachers use their very good subject knowledge and information about students to plan well for their individual needs.
  • Working in partnership with schools and local colleges provides opportunities for  students to proceed to the next stage of their education, training or employment

Headteacher, Mr Alex Atherton said “I am delighted with the outcome of the inspection. The OfSTED framework introduced in September 2012 is far more challenging than anything seen before; it is very clear from the report that Park View is now a school bordering on outstanding. The only recommendation was to increase the proportion of outstanding lessons still further, we are well on the road to achieving that.”

Read the full report on our website

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Fantastic news, well done.

All kids do the same. I think it's a factor of how much spare cash you give them. £5 emergency money is sweets/junk (they do get hungry) whereas £40 is hoarded away to buy bigger stuff like trainers. My daughter has an oyster card and Hailo on her phone to get a cab in an emergency and the fare will go through to my debit card but, no spare cash.

I do find that the shops that sell sweets and junk know who their customers are and cater accordingly. It must be so tempting when you come out of school with a couple of pounds in your pocket to just go and blow it with all your peers on the goods aimed at you in all the local stores.

God knows what it must be like for their parents getting them to sleep at night if they're mainlining Coca-Cola at four o'clock in the afternoon. Jamie Oliver would certainly have something to say.

I'll take the comment about what they spend their money on as a compliment about the in-house catering ! Seriously though the proportion of fast food outlets is a real issue for us and for our students' life expectancy and we're not alone. I wish this was as big an issue as the betting shops is becoming, similar issue one generation down.

In terms of subjects our languages and humanities have been in the top 3% nationally for value added for the last two years, English/mathematics consistently around the top quarter and science almost top 10% this year. English, media, core science, geography, history, mathematics, RS, sociology all comparable with national average A/A*.

We don't get comprehensive data for every course our students go on to do, if only we did, but I do know they have a lot of academic options. We cover around 30 courses in total, the large majority GCSEs including all three sciences, psychology and so on.


This is fantastic news.

When I went on a tour of the school last autumn, I was really impressed by the headteacher's presentation to prospective parents and his very clear vision to see all of his pupils succeed, to the best of their ability.



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