Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Parish or town councils have finally started to make some headway in London. Frontrunners for the first councils currently include Queen's Park (or a bit of it) and London Fields.

I was at a meeting a couple of months ago where interested people were discussing the ins and outs of introducing a local council. I was impressed with the folks behind the Queen's Park initiative (for those of you who know the area, the council is aimed at the south eastern part of the area, not the part round the park - two quite different demographics).

I arrived full of interest and wondering whether we might consider the model for Harringay. However, some of the voices in the room gave me pause for thought. Whilst I love the idea of local people having as much say as possible in the things that influence their quality of life, I left the meeting far less certain that town councils are necessarily the way forward.

What became apparent to me at that meeting was the ample opportunity these councils offer for a small group to extend its influence over an area. We all have reason to be thankful for the 'civic core' , but I'm not convinced that another institution dominated by them will serve our collective local interest in the end. Or perhaps I worry too much.

We already have 'new democratic arrangements' in the pipeline for Haringey with the imminent arrival of area committees. Do we need another layer? Will either serve our interests?

Here's a publication produced by the National Association on Local Councils, should you want more info.

(PS: I just noticed this discussion on parish councils from a couple of years ago.)


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