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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

By Email & Recorded Delivery 18/06/2015

Dear Ms Kober

Please reply to this FOI request within the correct legislated time frame and provide all the information that has been requested .

I require all correspondence email,letter, diary copies, computer files , phone bills etc for all and any meetings,are activities between Haringey Council Employees , past and present, in all methods of communication with Matt Rimmer and any other C108 employees (staff) ,relating to all and any issues reference Planning Applications made to Haringey Council , in the past 10 years .

I particularly require this information relating to Haringey Planning Officers ; (Names removed by site admin)

I note from my previous correspondence from Emma Williamson , that it has been suggested that you do not have access to past Employees emails .

However I have been informed by the Ombudsman and the Government Information Officer that this is indeed false and that by Law all the information that I have requested has to legally be provided .

I am holding you personally responsible for the years of deceit and misery that I have been subjected to by your staff .

As the elected Leader it is your absolute responsibility to ensure that all public employees act with complete integrity .

As I stated in my evidence provided in the Public Inquiry relating to the enforcement notice issued against my Freehold Property 10B-D, Omega Works, 167 Hermitage Rd, N4 1LZ.

Matt Rimmer lived in 10C Omega Works ,whilst he was working for C108?

At this time Haringey Council granted Certificates of Lawful Use, Retrospective Residential Use etc to many of the properties in Arena Business Park ( recently renamed as Arena Design Park ) .

I require a full explanation and as the evidence that was provided to the Planning Inspectorate was fraudulent , I require retrospective residential Planning to be granted for Units 10 B,C,D.
Omega Works N4 1LZ and a substantial settlement for my costs relating to this matter .

Yours sincerely

Jacqueline Hancher

cc Cllr Joe Goldberg . Cllr Dhiren Basu. Emma Williamson Haringey Council,Myles Joyce Haringey Haringey CouncilClodagh McGuirk Haringey Council

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Hi Jacqueline,

As you've chosen "to go public" on this issue with an open letter, can I ask that you consider - as far as possible - making all your own documents and information as open as you are asking Haringey Council to make its  information.

I accept that many of the issues here may involve personal and commercially sensitive information. However there are also important wider public issues which can and often do affect many more people as property owners and occupiers exercise their legal rights to apply for change of use of their properties.

Could I also suggest that you may wish to reconsider publicly naming staff and making serious public allegations when those staff are not in a position to defend themselves.



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