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"The Green Party Must Get a Fair Hearing From Ofcom and Broadcasters"

"Ofcom issued a draft ruling that has the potential to have a significant impact on the coming general election campaign: it declared Ukip a "major party", while denying the Green Party the same status, basing its argument chiefly on "past electoral performance".

(Natalie Bennett.)
Posted: 08/01/15 15:39

Ofcom response:

Please respond to Ofcom's Consultation:
Ofcom are inviting your views on the draft Party Election Broadcast criteria.

Closing date is: 12 January 2015.
Please send your submission to: PEBallocationcriteria.consultation@bbc.co.uk

or by mail to:
Party Election Broadcast criteria consultation BBC Trust Unit
180 Great Portland St
London W1W 5QZ
Hard copy, large print, audio and Braille versions of the guidelines and consultation documents are available upon request by contacting the BBC Trust by email or by post as above, or by telephone on 03700 103 100 or textphone 03700 100 212.

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Nice one Lucy. Worth mentioning that OFCOM have no remit to do anything much; they don't even accept any role in overseeing the BBC, claiming that the BBC itself has a suffiently 'robust' complaints procedure itself! This will come as quite a surprise to anyone, like myself who has taken the BBC to task for bias, misinformation, and Islamaphobia. The BBC treats these complaints with arrogant derision. What is sad however, is that Cameron has wrongfooted Milibean, who SHOULD have been the one raising the issue of the Greens' exclusion. Now he just looks like Gordon Brown; a man with a sense of entitlement which is shared by no one else.

"A Show of Hands or is that Memberships"
The Green Party of England and Wales, with 29,000 members, when added to the almost 8000 announced this weekend by the Scottish Green Party is growing neck and neck with UKIP's 37,000 members, and not far behind the Lib Dems' rapidly falling 43,000. So even if only Green supporters notice their leader's absence from a TV debate, 37,000 is quite a lot of them by comparison.



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