Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Extinction Rebellion campaigners from five boroughs have announced plans for a North London Uprising on 7th and 8th September. Rebellion groups from Haringey, Islington, Camden, Enfield and Barnet will be occupying streets and running events in and around Turnpike Lane, Downhills Park, Harringay, and Manor House.

The aim is to engage north Londoners with Extinction Rebellion and the fight against climate inaction, and to celebrate the area’s community spirit through a weekend full of actions, workshops, trainings and entertainment.  

The Uprising will include a rich variety of workshops and discussion panels, a funeral march, fashion pause, swarming (repeated 7-minute road blocks), family activities, arts and crafts, live music and will culminate in a march - along Green Lanes from Turnpike Lane station to Manor House.

"The time to act is today, not tomorrow"

One of the organisers, Jessica Peverell from Extinction Rebellion Haringey emphasises that “The time to act on the climate is now, not tomorrow."

We’re encouraging everyone - whether they’re part of Extinction Rebellion, or not - to join us in reclaiming the streets of North London in a sign of solidarity, and demand action on this climate catastrophe. The weekend’s events will be a mixture of fun, but also action, as we look towards the International Rebellion in October.

"We want people to ask questions"

Rosie-Lea Sparkle from Extinction Rebellion Islington says that there will be a role for everyone to play:

The North London Uprising encompasses many actions that will speak the truth, encourage people to sign up and participate in the conversation. For new members it offers the chance to take their first steps in actions with XR, to get trained up and to learn XR’s values; not just through a talk but through the experience of seeing how people can come together and create beautifully disruptive actions, while remaining peaceful. 

If people are curious, or doubtful, we encourage them to come down to Downhills Park and listen to speakers, be entertained by artists, share food and connect with their local community. We want people to ask questions - this is where they can come and safely explore and find a place for themselves in the rebellion. There really is a role for everyone to play, it might not even exist yet, but there is a space waiting to be made for everyone. We’re looking forward to meeting lots of new faces.

The Uprising's three actions

The weekend will be split into three main actions: Tell the Truth, Act Now and Rebel For Life, with each dedicated to different parts of the Extinction Rebellion:

Tell the Truth - Turnpike Lane

Rebels will reclaim the streets of North London! Attendees are encouraged to bring a plant to Turnpike Lane station and help us make Green Lanes green again. Rebels will also be able to print their clothes at the art blocking station, share their ideas in the demands tent, as well as listen to speakers and local musicians. Please also keep a look out for a hint of blue...

Act Now - Downhills Park (West Green)

The heart of our uprising. This is your chance to get trained up for the next Rebellion. You can expect the Heading for Extinction talk, Panels on climate grief, animal agriculture, fast fashion and diversity, Yoga classes, lots of family activities on Sunday, People's and Children's assemblies, Affinity Group formation training, amazing local bands and much more!

Rebel for Life - The Green Lanes Parade (Sunday 5:30pm)

A celebration of the London Uprisings that will highlight the strength of our communities. Bring drums, shakers, instruments, flags and lots of rebellious energy! We will march down Green Lanes from Turnpike Lane, through Harringay to Manor House, where we will hold a closing ceremony.

A full timetable and line-up will be announced soon, rebels who would like to take part are encouraged to sign up to volunteer on the day using the form and choose from a variety of trainings: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/north-london-uprising….


North London Uprising page on Extinction Rebellion website

North London Uprising event on Extinction Rebellion Enfield Faceboo...

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