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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

North Korea's Supreme Leader has an iMac (right side, possibly this model).

Note clever positioning of stereo loudspeakers (reflected in the shiny Desktop of the Supreme Leader).

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You reckon that iMac might be top of Obama's drone hitlist this weekend?

Depends what that mouse can click upon, Eddie.

The Supreme Leader could launch an application ... or launch something else.

Washington ought to know of the capabilities of Mac OS X.

That iMac possibly could run Red Star (a Linux variant, i.e. a UNIX-type Operating System), but it's not likely that the Supreme Leader would want to use a developer/experimental OS.

A small irony is that the Supreme Leader be using the Korean version of Mac OS X - aimed at, and used in somewhat greater numbers in the South, rather than the North ...

Well, whatever else you might say about the North Koreans, at least they've got the right idea and binned their dependence on Micro$oft.

Incidentally, Red Star Linux is the official computer O/S in North Korea - nothing developer/experimental about it (see http://desktoplinuxreviews.com/2010/08/23/north-korea-linux-red-sta... for a review and where to get it from if you'd like to try it for yourself!)

Andy, I did assume that the iMac of The Supreme Leader is running the default Mac OS X system.

However, I may have over-egged the loosening of Microsoft ties; it subsequently occurred to me that The Supreme Leader could be running Beast-of-Redmond applications on Mac OS X, such as Word, Excel or PowerPoint, all of which began life on the Mac. Was it a PowerPoint presentation that showing missile tracks to Los Angeles, Washington and Austin (?).

It could be worse: since the The Supreme Leader iMac has an Intel CPU, he could be running "Windows" on it, either as his main system or booting alternately between "Windows" and a genuine UNIX-class operating system.

I imagine that the Supreme Leader is aware that – although probably assembled in China – his iMac is good ole' US-of-A technology. Apple used to stamp on some of its products Designed in California and if he saw that he might, as Seema would say, have choked on his cornflakes.

At least North Korea is ahead of our local council in one respect: Haringey eschews Open Source softwareis and is deeply wedded to Beast of Redmond operating systems, running on poxy-DOS-boxes.

Since some of the Supreme Leader's populace are close to starving, its unlikely that many have any kind of computer, let alone an iMac.


At least North Korea is ahead of our local council in one respect: Haringey eschews Open Source softwareis and is deeply wedded to Beast of Redmond operating systems, running on poxy-DOS-boxes.

No wonder the council is so hard up...



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