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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Hi there, just keeping this one going. There are a couple of weeks left to make objections to the proposals to stop traffic turning right out of hewit road.

As discussed on a couple of previous threads, this could significantly increase traffic heading down Pemberton Road, right next to an Infant school, a junior school and the children's centre.

If you think it's unreasonable to create a situation that directly increases risk to children travelling to these venues then do take a couple of minutes to object. Instructions below...

Send an email to

frontline.consultation@haringey.gov.uk (with 'no right turn' in the title line) outlining your objection.

Whilst it's fine to explore options to redistribute traffic around the ladder...ideas like this which will only result in displacing traffic towards areas of high family footfall is not a sensible one in my opinion.


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Just out of interest, which road do you live on Paul?
Why do you want to know where I live?

Because im guessing you live on Pemberton and I think its better to be completely open about our interests in this discussion.

You guess wrong.

As you ask, my interests in this discussion are the safefy of those to-ing and fro-ing from the schools and the children's centre. It's unreasonable to champion a change to traffic flow which will increase risk to this group. I think I've been pretty clear on that.

This is a community website so as a member of this community I'm expressing a view. After all, by raising this on an earlier thread - you brought this to my attention. You were clearly interested in the views of others.

But which road do you live on? Sorry to keep asking but it could easily be another road on the ladder that might be adversely affected by the Hewit change. Until you disclose it I can't help assume that this is the case: sorry for being so cynical.

I'm not clear why my address is relevant to this discussion. These issues affect all of us, not only those with property on certain roads. It doesn't really matter where you think I do or don't live...fact remains that the council are proposing doing something with no consideration for the impact on others. In this instance, this impact is directly towards an area with a higher than average footfall of children and families in and around two schools and a children's centre. I disagree with this in principle. If I lived in Outer Mongolia I'd still disagree with this in principal. I don't - I live in Harringay. 

Are my opinions any more or less valid because of where I live? Are your views any more or less valid because of where you live? Are we or are we not a community all living in and sharing an area together? Should decisions that affect all of us only be debated by and decided upon by those living directly on roads that are facing a change? Or not...? 

I do actually think that people who live on the ladder (tenants and homeowners) will have a greater understanding of the problems involved. Your reluctance to mention where you live weakens your argument. You clearly have no experience of the traffic problems on the worst ladder roads.
I hope the traffic in Mongolia is better there.


I'm not going to be bullied into revealing my address on a public website by you - though I admire you persisting. Your tactic in this discussion seems to have turned to trying to undermine the validity of my point based on where you think I do or do not live. In fact - the number of others joining this discussion supporting my point actually strengthens my argument. I don't see many disagreeing with my assertion that creating a situation that shifts traffic towards roads with two schools and a children's centre on unnecessarily increases risks to children and families. The lack of support for your side of things would suggest a lack of support for this change in my view. What do you think?

Rather than distracting this discussion by an insistence that my address is relevant, how about instead - explaining why you think it's reasonable for the council to push traffic onto a road running next to two schools and a children's centre? That's what this discussion is all about. I'm suggesting this introduces significant additional risk to a large group of people, has not been thought through, and is not based on any substantial evidence.  

You seem concerned that I do not understand the issues here. That's the beauty of this website - we're all discussing the issues and offering opinions. What are the issues relevant to this discussion that you feel I do not understand? You've made a big leap to saying "I clearly have no experience of the traffic on the worst ladder roads"... what do you base this on? Because I won't tell you where I currently live?

We are all affected by these changes, maybe you should have a think about that rather than focussing solely on what you feel the impact will be on you and those who live directly next to you. There's a much bigger picture out there - that's all I'm saying. 

Are you interested in the addresses of others on this site who object to changes that push traffic towards schools, children's centres and parks? Or is it just me you're concerned with? Maybe I should be flattered 

I raised it because I was seriously disappointed that the traffic reversal had been decided against after Hewit residents had worked hard to get something done (eg petition). I have a child, we walk down the passage most days and have to cross all the roads on the ladder. I also use the children's centre on Pemberton and facilities at the school.
Traffic needs to be safe and managed on all the ladder roads because most of us cross them all. Hewit has a disproportionally high traffic flow and speed problem which needs to be addressed. The no right turn measure is a much weaker option than traffic reversal but better than nothing.

It is thought that Hewit has a disproportionately high traffic flow. Let's see what Ant's counter produces...

I would say that Hewit Rd has a disproportionat number of middle class families and owner occupiers...

Haha. Have you been reading some of my older posts?

Maybe, but I just know quite a few people on Hewit Rd :)

I'm pretty sure that Ant's vehicle count will back you up but, best to wait and see. I was wrong about the southern ladder roads.



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