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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

We've had one church with a new set of incumbents earlier in the summer. Now it seems like there's a new mob in at St Paul's too.

Having picked up a tweet from the Diocese of London, we learn the following from the Diocese's blog Ministry matters:

The Revd Timothy Pike, Incumbent of Holy Innocents, Hornsey (2009) and Associate Vicar at Holy trinity, Stroud Green (2011), is also to be Priest in Charge of St Paul, Harringay (1914), from 26 October.

The Revd Patrick Henderson, Incumbent of Holy Trinity, Stroud Green (2011) and Assistant Priest of Holy Innocents, Hornsey (2009) and Chaplain of Greig City Academy (2087), is also to be Assistant Priest at St Paul, Harringay (1914), from 26 October.

The Revd Philip Atherton, SSM Assistant Priest at Holy Innocents, Hornsey (2009) and Holy Trinity, Stroud Green (2011), is also to be Assistant Priest at St Paul, Harringay (1914), from 26 October.

Three new staff. What on earth happened at St Paul's to warrant that?

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Hugh, I think it looks like a cross between 'parish clustering', stop-gap arrangements and a bit of overtime for three men from the local deanery. Though it's posted under 'Clergy Moves', I don't think it means any of the three will be moving into the Vicarage. I could be wrong there. But what would a semi-detached RC know about the Anglican Catholic wing?!
Makes sense.

Any clues as to why the ship is currently sailing without a crew? Is it just that we're a Godless bunch?
Again I'm only guessing. It may be that, since St Paul's has been in the Anglo-Catholic tradition of the CofE since it was built, the Diocese of London (and the Deanery of Haringey under the Bishop of Edmonton) has been finding it difficult to find a new incumbent from within the minority Catholic wing. Fr Robert Martin who left for Hong Kong in July'09 was a member of an Anglo-Catholic 'religious missionary order'. His Sunday liturgy was the Catholic Mass, following the same text as the Revised Roman Rite and practically indistinguishable from what I've been accustomed to since 1972 (post-2nd Vatican Council).

It may also be that Pope Benedict's offer to Anglo-Catholics last year, reinforced however tacitly and diplomatically by his recent visit, has left quite a few of them a bit unsettled or strengthened their Romeward tendencies. e.g. The former Vicar of St Michael's Wood Green, now Bishop of Fulham, seems to be about to cross the Tiber in the next few months.
finding it difficult to find a new incumbent from within the minority Catholic wing

Yeah well if they didn't exclude such a significant proportion of the general population and impose a celibacy requirement on them it might be a different story.
Sit up, John, and pay attention!

Anglo-Catholic clergy in the Church of England don't have celibacy imposed on them - though some of them choose to be celibate, sometimes within monastic orders not unlike the traditional Roman Catholic varieties.

Since the mid-1990s, several hundred Anglo-Catholic priests have "gone over to Rome". Many of these, married with families, have been re-ordained as Roman Catholic priests after a year or two of reorientation - one of them as auxiliary Bishop in Westminster Archdiocese. No, they didn't have to abandon their wives and families!

This is naturally a bit of an anomaly in a church which has imposed celibacy on its priests for well over 1,000 years. It's not universally popular with those "cradle RCs", like me, who left the seminary in their youth, or who left the priesthood later on because they wanted to marry.

Unfortunately, many of those Anglo-Catholic priests and bishops going over to Rome are doing so mainly because they don't believe that Anglican women priests are really priests and certainly they're not going to accept women bishops. Seems to me Groucho's remarx about 'not joining a club who'd have you as a member' may be applicable.
So, John, I'll certainly laugh and laugh and laugh when we get our first woman Pope.
Second. Pope Joan got there first.
I'd plump for a less legendary creation next time.
Hugh, just heard from Nicola that there will be a priest-in-charge at the Vicarage - in fact he's already moved in with his family but will not be operating officially till ? November. At the moment the three named in your post are 'riding circuit' on Hornsey, Stroud Green and Harringay. So perhaps all my guesswork above is best ignored!

btw the numbers bracketed in your post which look like year dates seem to be code numbers from the Diocesan Register of churches.



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