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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

My Nepalese neighbour has been working night and day to help bring direct relief to the remote villages of Nepal. One charity he suggests is
The Citizen Relief Fund, a joint initiative of Confederation of Nepalese Industries and Maha Sanchar.
details of the account are
Account Name Confederation of Nepalese Industries
Account Type:Relief Fund
NIC Asia Bank Ltd
Corporate Office Branch, Kathmandu
Account no. 5444304011524002

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Good call philip. I sent money directly to someone I know living in khathmandu who is helping with the relief over there- much better than to some of these big organisations where you never actually know if the money gets to where is needed

Yes. My neighbour is doing just that. Getting money to local people who can have the goods on the back of a van in hours. They are building Nissan type huts with corrugated iron sheets and brick ends. The Monsoon is starting and tents won't cut it. The view is that there is so much corruption and bureacracy that its best to go round it...

Red Cross is doing fantastic work for Nepal as well - i trust them  http://www.redcross.org.uk/en/Donate-Now/Make-a-single-donation/Nep... 

- please look at their website and give something if you can for these poor people who have lost everything. But thank you too Philip for your idea.

Geraldine: you are right! the International Committee of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies is the most efficient aid org because they are already on the spot all over the world- they have local expertise and access to whatever is needed in materials and personnel so the advantages are enormous-transport costs, language, understanding of local feelings etc etc 



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