Harringay online

Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Just received this info from LAMAS (London and Middlesex Archaeology Society) about closure of Barnet Museum and asking for news from residents across London of any news about budget cuts/closures/service reductions at any local museums.

You may have heard about threats to Barnet Museums; the period of public consultation on Barnet Museums ended on Monday, 17 January. However, further information and a link to the museum consultation survey is https://www.surveymonkey.com/s.aspx?sm=fc2VUlXEvdei%2bhDx9ZJfng%3d%3d


This is one of a number of threats to local museums that we are aware of; if you know of cuts that your local museum or heritage service/centre are facing please let me know and I can circulate to LAMAS members.

i am happy to receive any such news from HoL members and feed it through.

Hope HoL members will alert LAMAS to any threat to Bruce Castle or other local museums they are aware of.

many thanks

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