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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

I came down this morning to find someone had been in my front garden overnight (gate wide open, muddy boot prints everywhere) and removed the covers off the 3 motorbikes stored there. I'm presuming their intentions were not honourable and they were "casing the joint". So motorcyclists beware and neighbours please report it if you see similar behaviour. Thanks.

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CCTV is only as good as the person watching it. It's no comfort to know what the thief looks like after your bike has gone. 

I have CCTV watching my bike and can see it all the time from my armchair. It has proved useful on a few occasions in stopping a theft in progress whilst I was watching but seeing the lowlifes after the fact doesn't really help. The police are not really interested either.

Alarms are the same. Nobody takes any notice of alarms these days unless they know for sure that the person + vehicle alarm don't match but even then they're reluctant to get involved.

Chains, locks and more chains and locks preferably to an immovable object is your only hope. 

Agree, chains and more chains to a ground anchor or a lamp post.

I'd also suggest a GPS tracker, in case they manage to steal it anyway, at least you have a very high chance of recovering it.

If I wasn't woken by them beneath my bedroom window, I somehow doubt that a "ping" to alert me of their presence would wake me either.. .they didn't take the bike covers btw just removed them.... The bike I care about is double chained to the wall so if I were to be philosophical I'd say they may have come and had a look but the bikes are still there. But I think people need to be aware. A simple "oi, what are you doing?" is enough to put someone off in my experience...

A few months back some scumbags stole my motorbike cover.

Just like you, I assume their intentions were worse than that but my bike is locked to two ground anchors, and when they found out they went for the cover only.

Had to buy a new one, it has chain loops and now I chain that as well, so they'll have to cut it and damage it if they want to steal it again.

F***ing c***s 

I've actually lost count of the number of bikes I've had stolen... I think it's 13 or 14... I now only drive old bikes that aren't worth stripping down for parts... Ultimately if people really want to steal something no amount of security will stop them. I chained one bike to a gate and came back to find they'd stolen the gate too....which it transpired cost more to replace than my bike...

GPS trackers are the best way to recover a stolen bike.

The two bikes I had "recovered" were in such a state afterwards I'm not sure that's a desirable option. The insurance claims were doubly painful and they never rode the same again....

That's another matter, sounds like you were very unlucky.

I decided to report it to the Police just for information only and thought they dealt with it well. They certainly made me feel they were taking the issue seriously, gave me advice etc.

Slightly off-topic but perhaps useful -

Thieves took lead off the roof or our church last weekend and the insurance company is refusing to pay out on the grounds that the lead was not marked with Smartwater. ( climb up on a roof to mark lead flashing ?? )

It might be worth checking bike, M/C and car insurance policies to see if you are supposed to Smartwater them. It's not just valuables inside your houses.

You get reduced premiums if your bike is protected by (insurance) recognised security items.

In practice the insurers that give you those discounts are more expensive than the ones that don't. And the locks on my bike cost more than my annual insurance premium.



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