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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Missing since Sunday: Tabby Tortoiseshell cat Raleigh Road area


I'm missing my cat Maggie since Sunday. It's odd that I haven't seen her come home as she's a cat that likes to sleep in the house most of the day and enjoys sitting in the window. She is quite timid around people and gets scared by noises so doesn't roam too far.

She's about 4 years old, medium size with tabby/tortoiseshell markings, white paws and white front.

She's very inquisitive so could have climbed into a shed or hidden place and got stuck. She doesn't have a collar and is microchipped.

If anyone sees her, I'd be grateful for any info.




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Good news, Maggie showed up a bit dirty in the middle of the night - no idea where she's been.



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