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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Please microchip your cats, that way you will increase your chance of finding them if they get lost. It's also a good idea to keep your cats inside at night. There are too many cats in need of a home, so please neuter your cats to avoid unwanted pregnancies and reduce aggressive behaviour. There's no need to buy a cat or kitten as there are loads of cats, dogs and other pets needing homes in rescue centres.

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Agree with this - our black cat went missing for 6 weeks.  He was found in Muswell Hill!! and returned to us as he had been chipped.

@Jessica two of my cats (chipped & neutered) were killed by foxes - so as a responsible owner who tries very hard to keep her cats in or at least make sure they are in at night, I apologise if my 'complaining' inconveniences you.

I agree completely Justine, though on the unfortunate occasions by two were missing (killed) and my other one was AWOL it was through local flyering and the community spirit of HOL that they were found.

I always make sure mine have a collar with their details on too (although they sometimes go missing) so that it's easy for someone who thinks they may be lost to see they are owned, and contact me. I appreciate not all cats with tolerate a collar.

Also worth mentioning to non-cat (and some cat) owners, not to feed any that come into their gardens as it encourages them to stay out - no reason to go hone.

This would cut down on people 'complaining' on forum threads entitled Pets - Lost / Found / Need a home / Caring for on a community site aimed at helping local people.

I'd complain as well if my cats were killed by foxes. It's a genuine problem, and absolutely one that should be (and has been) discussed on HoL.

Cats go missing, it's in their nature to hunt and explore, and sometimes they get a little too carried away and are unable find their way home. Luckily quite a few are found and reunited with their orners, thanks to microchipping and forums just like HoL. To accuse a distressed owner of "complaining" is just plain stupid and shows a complete lack of empathy.

Thanks to HoL I was reunited with my young cat after 7 horrible days of her going missing last year. She was neutered, michrochipped, and wore a collar. I suspect she was just chasing something and got a little lost.

I totally agree that cats should be chipped and neutered / spayed and everyting else in the main post, but I will not stand for anyone accusing distressed cat owners of complaining.

Posting on a local community forum when a cat is missing if the responsible thing to do - it minimises the time your cat is in danger of being killed by a fox, or crapping in a non cat owner's garden.

I also have a dog, and as a result of this, it's impossible to stop my cat(s) slipping out the back door while he is out in the garden. Likewise, cats are very independent and will come home when it suits, so you can't always make sure they are in by night time however hard you try.

Notifying people that cats have been killed my foxes is a public responsibility to other cat owners - it's not a 'complaint'. It must have been very distressing for the poor man and his wife (also not cat owners) who found both of mine (on separate occasions) to find a ravaged animal dead in their garden.

I have been fairly quick to post if my cat is missing because of my experience with foxes, and because my daughter (who is the one that has lost 2 cats) has ADHD and suffers with emotional upheavals, which make her unable to sleep and cause significant impact on her at school. So to echo your point - you shouldn't judge or make flippant remarks without 'understanding'.

"Calling someone stupid, without really taking the time to fully understand what they mean, says something about you too for me" - I would recommend in future you head your own advice - as a non cat owner - and if the posts about cats irk you so much, don't read them.

I haven't judged you, but from the brevity of your initial post and goading response, it would be hard for anyone to 'fully understand what they mean' as you haven't elaborated.

There are equally plenty of irresponsible dog owners out there who let their dogs bark all night and never pick up after them - I curse them every day I have to run the dog shit gauntlet that is Wightman Road with my 2 small children. I also curse the council for the lack of posters about dog mess or available bins to put it in.

Jessica: I have not called you stupid.

Perhaps it is a nuance of language but to label something a 'complaint' would suggest it's unnecessary and of inconvenience to you. No one is 'complaining' about missing cats or foxes, they are simply asking people to look out for their pets to minimise distress to all parties.

You contradict yourself asking for people to understand and not judge when your initial comment came across as having judged and misunderstood others in the first place. That's all I'm saying.

I've said my piece, it clearly did not sink in, so I am leaving this discussion.



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