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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

My sister, the medieval musician and scholar Leah Stuttard, has been researching music from 10th and 13th century manuscripts from Worcester Cathedral. She has put together a service of Choral Evensong which we will be singing on Sunday 22 February at 6pm at St Paul's Church, Wightman Road, N4 1RW.

Researching this music is not an easy matter. For one thing, the music comes from long before the development of the modern form of written music. I'm attaching a pic to this post of the manuscripts Leah used - in it you can see Latin words with various squiggles above. The squiggles are the notes. Fortunately for the singers, Leah has written out the music in a form which we can all read!

You may know this music as plainsong, or as Gregorian Chant. You may be familiar with it from pop music like Enigma, which blended plainsong with a dance beat. It is the ancient music of the church, still sung today, and it sounds simple and tranquil to modern ears.

Evensong is a very simple service of music, readings and prayer and anyone is welcome to attend, religious or not - we only ask that you respect the sacred nature of the service. Evensong will be followed by a service of Benediction and the whole thing will last about an hour.

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mirabile, adero, gratias or should i say i veniet instead - sorry, i just love Latin ever since I did it for o-level 
in school back in the day!



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