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Mandelson's Digital Economy Bill will switch off public wifi

In a blog post analysing the detail of the Bill, the Open Rights Group, reports that anyone offering wifi will held accountable if someone uses it to illegally download files. This means they'll face criminal proceedings and disconnection. This might well mean a end to internet cafes and shared networks.

The Bill appears to impose obligations on account holders for the behaviour of other users. This will adversely affect many businesses and stop the many people who currently extend their access to the internet to people in their community.

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The technology will move faster than the legislation to cover it can, hence clause 11. Ever sent a zip file to someone embedded in a word document because their email server rejected it? That's just the start.

As for their claims that they won't abuse it, Section 44 of the Terrorism Act Sir.

Whatever happens, we'll all become defacto criminals unless we just spend our spare time playing computer games and watching sky news.
Great link. Thanks John. I've added an event that the Guardian article linked to, here.
Some of my neighbours offer free wifi access too!



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