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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

This link takes you to the official Crimestoppers site for London's most wanted people.


Please have a look, you might have that missing piece of information.

You can narrow the area down by clicking on the borough map.



Who is Crimestoppers?

We are an independent charity helping to find criminals and help solve crimes.

We have an anonymous phone number, 0800 555 111, that people can call to pass on information about crime; alternatively people can send us information anonymously via this website, using our Giving Information Form. Callers don't have to give their name or any personal information and calls cannot be traced.

Tell us what you know, not who you are.


Did you know...?

Crimestoppers is a charity. We are independent of the police and the government.


You can call the phone number, 0800 555 111, 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. Crimestoppers operates across the UK.

The phone number provides an invaluable community service, so that anybody who has information about criminal activity can pass it on, without living in fear of the consequences. Many criminals exploit people's fear to avoid arrest.

Fight crime without revealing your identity - batman calling cardEvery call is treated with absolute anonymity so that nobody will know the identity of the caller, except you, the caller. Rewards are also available and are paid without compromising a caller's anonymity.

The information you give us is passed onto the police in such a way that they do not know who you are; we have never given the police information about our callers. It's a simple and secure way of bringing criminals to justice, without anybody knowing who the information came from.

The 0800 555 111 phone number has been helping to find criminals and solve crimes for 21 years. It's a system that works for everyone – except criminals.

Callers from abroad can reach us on 0044 1883 731 336.

You can also give us information anonymously online - just fill out our Giving Information Form.

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