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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

Seems council have put a coloured crossing outside Nags Head pub. High Road .N22 

Yet can not fill in pot holes and make road safe to use

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Sorry, is this hypothetical or has it actually happened?

It looks lovely

Joke is that this is one of the Borough most dangerous Crossings

With people crossing cinema side from traffic from Lordship Lane

Understand there has been deaths and serious injuries

And from muggers on foot and bikes stealing phones and bags at crossing .                                                  Was Warning signs on post and sprayed on footway

Especially during rush Hours with large number entering and leaving Wood Green Underground station

Also due to flow of Traffic expect that coating will not last long . Will further funds be used to keep Colours in?

Well I'm sure Mermaids have some money left over from mutilating children that they can give the council.

Sorry, but in what way does a charity that supports tans kids and their parents 'mutilate' people?

And what does this have to do wth the continued existence of potoles?

There are some seriously dodgy comments on this thread.

Perhaps it may discourage the thoughtless drivers who pull forward over crossings oblivious to the fact that they will block it on the next light change.

It's the "T" in LGBT. Supports.... lol.

Saying LOL doesn't actually explain what you mean by 'mutilating' people.

I have friends whose kids are trans and who've found organisations like Mermaids very supportive and helpful. What is your point here apart from to air your own prejudices?

Cutting off children's genitals after convincing them they were born in the wrong body, behind their parent's backs, is mutilation. Even if it's done by a surgeon.

That's what you think they do?

Jesus. HoL is fast becoming a refuge for bigots and idiots.

In such a diverse borough, it seems incredible that an online community can so poorly reflect the range of people who live here.

And what does Mermaids have to do with the council and the pothole situation?

They have lots of money for furthering their agenda, someone asked where the money was coming from and I suggested them.

The rainbow crossing was funded by Harringay Council to mark LGBT month. This simple fact has led to the school who requested it being bombarded with homophobic abuse and this thread here turning into an anti-trans rant full of unsubstantiated claims and smears. Classy. Well done. Making HoL a welcoming space to all comers.



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