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Harringay, Haringey - So Good they Spelt it Twice!

If you have the requisite background of medical and/or nursing skills, and if you'd be prepared to volunteer for a month or more between now and December 2014, have a look at KING'S (College Hospital) SIERRA LEONE PARTNERSHIP links below.

KSLP is based on Connaught Hospital, Freetown, opened in 1912 by Prince Arthur, Duke of Connaught, and re-opened after the 'rebel war' by the late President Kabbah in 2006.



Whether based in the Connaught itself or at the Lakka Isolation Hospital, near Goderich, your work would be in the Western Area of Sierra Leone - not in the Kailahun-Kenema areas of the Eastern Province, original Ebola epicentre near the Guinea border.

Give it a thought, or two.

Eddie Finnegan

Tags for Forum Posts: **ebola, **sierra, **volunteer/medical-nursing**, emergency**, freetown, leone**

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