Thanks Hugh, for publicising this I&DeA Workbook for councillors. As I've not attended the 'Local Leadership Academy' (whatever that may be) this publication is new to me.
It was flattering to learn that councillors have "a key part to play in illuminating a path through the fog and explaining the new ways in which localities are being governed". As soon as the fog shows any sign of lifting, I promise to let everyone know.
The Workbook is a teensy bit disappointing in using last year's buzzwords and phrases. 'Placemaking' and the "move away from one-size-fits-all solutions" are now a bit stale and lacking glitz. Though obviously I&DeA will soon catch up with 'deep-diving' and 'crowdpower'.
Best of all, I love that idea that evaluation of all public bodies - including it seems a very wide range of quangos - should look for "vital" signs". Is there a heartbeat? Or any signs of circulation? Are they actually warm and breathing? Excellent questions.
Alan, what does Haringey need to change so that you (and I presume all councillors) have a better information channel provided by the members' office? There seem to be a worryingly high number of occasions when you haven't been given useful info.