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Join the campaign for an improved Down Lane Park in a greener Tottenham Hale

Please support the Friends of Down Lane Park in our campaign to make Haringey Council deliver on their promise to improve the facilities in Down Lane Park and our call to create a greener Tottenham Hale with better access to the Tottenham Marshes.

The FDLP are calling for completion of the park’s masterplan which sets out the agreement on new facilities between the council and the community. In addition, FDLP are calling for investment in improving the existing routes to the Tottenham Marshes, and investment across the green spaces in Tottenham Hale.

The green improvements in Tottenham Hale that FDLP are calling for are:

1. For Haringey Council to invest in completing the Down Lane Park masterplan agreed with the community. This will bring a new MUGA ‘pitch’, new community rooms as part of a cafe hub, and a new water feature enhancing landscaping in the park’s middle section .

2. For Haringey Council to invest in improving the existing routes to the Tottenham Marshes from the residential area to make access safer and more attractive. We want the underpass at the northern end of the park to be made safer and regularly cleaned, as well as a cleaner safer Carbuncle Passage bridge. We oppose the grandiose ‘green road link’.

3. For Haringey Council to invest in all green spaces in Tottenham Hale and that in the regeneration plans more green space created. More residents will need outdoor space and community facilities. We want an immediate clean-up of the Paddock

If you want to help the FDLP to campaign for these green improvements then please attend one of the council’s regeneration events. These are happening:

Wednesday 10th - 6pm at Holy Trinity School

Thursday 11th - 12.30-4.30pm at the Engine Room on Hale Village

Friday 12th - 4-8pm at 5 Ashley Road. (NB new venue supported by regen team.)

Saturday 13th - 10-4pm at 5 Ashley Road 

If you can't attend any of the events then please email support for our campaign to tottenhamregeneration@haringey.gov.uk
and copy in secretary@fdlp.org.uk so we can track responses to our campaign.

Over the past five years the Friends of Down Lane Park have successfully campaigned for improvements in the park. Having stopped the council’s plans to build flats on the playgrounds area, we then secured investment in a new children’s playground. Other improvements secured include the outdoor gym and the tennis courts.

All of which have helped the park be recognised as a Green Flag Award park. More recent improvements brought about by the Friends include new fencing, wider gate access, new playground equipment, and the painting of the lampposts.

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